Northwest Indiana Health Dept Coop (Lake) chief fiscal officer salary

The average Northwest Indiana Health Dept Coop (Lake) chief fiscal officer salary was $3,535, which is 37 percent higher than the average salary for this job in Indiana, but 97 percent lower then the average salary for this job nationwide. Chief Fiscal Officer salary in Northwest Indiana Health Dept Coop (Lake) is usually between $1,928 and $5,141 (25th and 75th). The highest chief fiscal officer salary in Northwest Indiana Health Dept Coop (Lake) was $5,141. There are 2 employees in Northwest Indiana Health Dept Coop (Lake) whose job title is chief fiscal officer.


Chief Fiscal Officer Salaries

NameYearJob TitleEmployer
Mary Green C
2017Chief Fiscal OfficerNorthwest Indiana Health Dept Coop (Lake)
2017 Chief Fiscal Officer Northwest Indiana Health Dept Coop (Lake)View Salary Details
Angelia Hayes
2018Chief Fiscal OfficerNorthwest Indiana Health Dept Coop (Lake)
2018 Chief Fiscal Officer Northwest Indiana Health Dept Coop (Lake)View Salary Details
Mary Green
2018Chief Fiscal OfficerNorthwest Indiana Health Dept Coop (Lake)
2018 Chief Fiscal Officer Northwest Indiana Health Dept Coop (Lake)View Salary Details



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