Department of Corrections correctional prog officer salary

The average Department of Corrections correctional prog officer salary was $93,955. Correctional Prog Officer salary in Department of Corrections is usually between $86,360 and $98,094 (25th and 75th). The highest correctional prog officer salary in Department of Corrections was $153,163. There are 97 employees in Department of Corrections whose job title is correctional prog officer.


Correctional Prog Officer Salaries

NameYearJob TitleEmployer
Cutler Linda
2019Correctional Prog OfficerDepartment of Corrections
2019 Correctional Prog Officer Department of CorrectionsView Salary Details
Erin Gaffney
2019Correctional Prog OfficerDepartment of Corrections
2019 Correctional Prog Officer Department of CorrectionsView Salary Details
Jamie Casella
2019Correctional Prog OfficerDepartment of Corrections
2019 Correctional Prog Officer Department of CorrectionsView Salary Details



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