Office of the Legislative Auditor student worker para prof sr salary

The average Office of the Legislative Auditor student worker para prof sr salary was $142,199, which is 97 percent higher than the average salary for this job in Minnesota, and 97 percent higher then the average salary for this job nationwide. Student Worker Para Prof Sr salary in Office of the Legislative Auditor is usually between $120,363 and $164,036 (25th and 75th). The highest student worker para prof sr salary in Office of the Legislative Auditor was $164,036. There are 2 employees in Office of the Legislative Auditor whose job title is student worker para prof sr.


Student Worker Para Prof Sr Salaries

NameYearJob TitleEmployer
Jenna Hoge
2022Student Worker Para Prof SrOffice of the Legislative Auditor
2022 Student Worker Para Prof Sr Office of the Legislative AuditorView Salary Details
Marielynn Herrera
2022Student Worker Para Prof SrOffice of the Legislative Auditor
2022 Student Worker Para Prof Sr Office of the Legislative AuditorView Salary Details
Ivy Leigh Marsnik
2020Student Worker Para Prof SrOffice of the Legislative Auditor
2020 Student Worker Para Prof Sr Office of the Legislative AuditorView Salary Details



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