Sunflower Co Consolidate Sch Dist information and communication technology salary

The average Sunflower Co Consolidate Sch Dist information and communication technology salary was $52,497, which is 21 percent higher than the average salary for this job in Mississippi, and 21 percent higher then the average salary for this job nationwide. Information And Communication Technology salary in Sunflower Co Consolidate Sch Dist is usually between $45,360 and $59,633 (25th and 75th). The highest information and communication technology salary in Sunflower Co Consolidate Sch Dist was $59,633. There are 2 employees in Sunflower Co Consolidate Sch Dist whose job title is information and communication technology.


Information And Communication Technology Salaries

NameYearJob TitleEmployer
Cynthia Johnson
2015Information And Communication TechnologySunflower Co Consolidate Sch Dist
2015 Information And Communication Technology Sunflower Co Consolidate Sch DistView Salary Details
Sonja Jones
2015Information And Communication TechnologySunflower Co Consolidate Sch Dist
2015 Information And Communication Technology Sunflower Co Consolidate Sch DistView Salary Details



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