West Jasper Consolidated Schools sponsor - choral and other performing groups salary

The average West Jasper Consolidated Schools sponsor - choral and other performing groups salary was $51,918, which is 9 percent higher than the average salary for this job in Mississippi, and 9 percent higher then the average salary for this job nationwide. Sponsor - Choral And Other Performing Groups salary in West Jasper Consolidated Schools is usually between $41,322 and $62,900 (25th and 75th). The highest sponsor - choral and other performing groups salary in West Jasper Consolidated Schools was $62,900. There are 3 employees in West Jasper Consolidated Schools whose job title is sponsor - choral and other performing groups.


Sponsor - Choral And Other Performing Groups Salaries

NameYearJob TitleEmployer
Michelle Green
2015Sponsor - Choral And Other Performing GroupsWest Jasper Consolidated Schools
2015 Sponsor - Choral And Other Performing Groups West Jasper Consolidated SchoolsView Salary Details
James Thornton
2015Sponsor - Choral And Other Performing GroupsWest Jasper Consolidated Schools
2015 Sponsor - Choral And Other Performing Groups West Jasper Consolidated SchoolsView Salary Details
Courtney King
2015Sponsor - Choral And Other Performing GroupsWest Jasper Consolidated Schools
2015 Sponsor - Choral And Other Performing Groups West Jasper Consolidated SchoolsView Salary Details



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