South Bound Brook lang arts/literacy grades salary

The average South Bound Brook lang arts/literacy grades salary was $84,955, which is 27 percent higher than the average salary for this job in New Jersey, and 27 percent higher then the average salary for this job nationwide. Lang Arts/literacy Grades salary in South Bound Brook is usually between $82,555 and $87,355 (25th and 75th). The highest lang arts/literacy grades salary in South Bound Brook was $87,355. There are 2 employees in South Bound Brook whose job title is lang arts/literacy grades.


Lang Arts/literacy Grades Salaries

NameYearJob TitleEmployer
Lorraine Lidon R
2015Lang Arts/literacy GradesSouth Bound Brook
2015 Lang Arts/literacy Grades South Bound BrookView Salary Details
Lorraine Lidon R
2016Lang Arts/literacy GradesSouth Bound Brook
2016 Lang Arts/literacy Grades South Bound BrookView Salary Details
Roberta Blake L
2016Lang Arts/literacy GradesSouth Bound Brook
2016 Lang Arts/literacy Grades South Bound BrookView Salary Details
Roberta Blake L
2015Lang Arts/literacy GradesSouth Bound Brook
2015 Lang Arts/literacy Grades South Bound BrookView Salary Details



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