Conklin Employee Salaries

Highest Conklin employee salary in year 2022 was $59,231. Conklin employees number in year 2022 was 20. Conklin average salary was $32,355 and median salary was $40,698. According to the last payroll, Conklin average salary is 57 percent lower than USA average and 45 percent lower than New York state average. Conklin employee salaries are usually between $16,432 and $47,645. Top 10% of highest-earning employees have salaries ranging from $52,821 to $59,231.

In city payroll you can usually find salaries of: city hall, mayor, city manager, police department, fire department, water department, public works and other city employee salaries. Check Conklin salary database below or search employee by name using the search form.

Conklin Salaries

NameYearJob TitleEmployer
Ayres J
2009 N/A ConklinView Salary Details
Charles Francisco
2009 N/A ConklinView Salary Details



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