Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services volunteer coordinator salary

The average Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services volunteer coordinator salary was $65,799, which is 37 percent higher than the average salary for this job in Ohio, and 38 percent higher then the average salary for this job nationwide. Volunteer Coordinator salary in Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services is usually between $63,161 and $68,437 (25th and 75th). The highest volunteer coordinator salary in Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services was $68,437. There are 2 employees in Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services whose job title is volunteer coordinator.


Volunteer Coordinator Salaries

NameYearJob TitleEmployer
Maureen Fahy
2022Volunteer CoordinatorDepartment of Mental Health and Addiction Services
2022 Volunteer Coordinator Department of Mental Health and Addiction ServicesView Salary Details
Maureen Fahy
2021Volunteer CoordinatorDepartment of Mental Health and Addiction Services
2021 Volunteer Coordinator Department of Mental Health and Addiction ServicesView Salary Details
Maureen Fahy
2020Volunteer CoordinatorDepartment of Mental Health and Addiction Services
2020 Volunteer Coordinator Department of Mental Health and Addiction ServicesView Salary Details
Amanda Billegas
2022Volunteer CoordinatorDepartment of Mental Health and Addiction Services
2022 Volunteer Coordinator Department of Mental Health and Addiction ServicesView Salary Details
Amanda Billegas
2021Volunteer CoordinatorDepartment of Mental Health and Addiction Services
2021 Volunteer Coordinator Department of Mental Health and Addiction ServicesView Salary Details
Amanda Billegas
2020Volunteer CoordinatorDepartment of Mental Health and Addiction Services
2020 Volunteer Coordinator Department of Mental Health and Addiction ServicesView Salary Details
George Eberts
2020Volunteer CoordinatorDepartment of Mental Health and Addiction Services
2020 Volunteer Coordinator Department of Mental Health and Addiction ServicesView Salary Details
George Eberts
2021Volunteer CoordinatorDepartment of Mental Health and Addiction Services
2021 Volunteer Coordinator Department of Mental Health and Addiction ServicesView Salary Details



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