George S. Mickelson Middle School - 02 middle school/junior high principal/bldg. mgr salary

The average George S. Mickelson Middle School - 02 middle school/junior high principal/bldg. mgr salary was $99,500, which is 125 percent higher than the average salary for this job in South Dakota, and 125 percent higher then the average salary for this job nationwide. There is 1 employee in George S. Mickelson Middle School - 02 whose job title is middle school/junior high principal/bldg. mgr.


Middle School/Junior High Principal/Bldg. Mgr Salaries

NameYearJob TitleEmployer
Tim Steffensen S
2017Middle School/Junior High Principal/Bldg. MgrGeorge S. Mickelson Middle School - 02
2017 Middle School/Junior High Principal/Bldg. Mgr George S. Mickelson Middle School - 02View Salary Details
Tim Steffensen S
2016Middle School/Junior High Principal/Bldg. MgrGeorge S. Mickelson Middle School - 02
2016 Middle School/Junior High Principal/Bldg. Mgr George S. Mickelson Middle School - 02View Salary Details
Tim Steffensen S
2015Middle School/Junior High Principal/Bldg. MgrGeorge S. Mickelson Middle School - 02
2015 Middle School/Junior High Principal/Bldg. Mgr George S. Mickelson Middle School - 02View Salary Details



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