Harmony School of Science - Houston substitute teacher salary

The average Harmony School of Science - Houston substitute teacher salary was $67,451, which is 131 percent higher than the average salary for this job in Texas, and 2127 percent higher then the average salary for this job nationwide. Substitute Teacher salary in Harmony School of Science - Houston is usually between $64,558 and $76,511 (25th and 75th). The highest substitute teacher salary in Harmony School of Science - Houston was $81,208. There are 8 employees in Harmony School of Science - Houston whose job title is substitute teacher.


Substitute Teacher Salaries

NameYearJob TitleEmployer
Pavlo Monaya
2019Substitute TeacherHarmony School of Science - Houston
2019 Substitute Teacher Harmony School of Science - HoustonView Salary Details
Williams Laura
2019Substitute TeacherHarmony School of Science - Houston
2019 Substitute Teacher Harmony School of Science - HoustonView Salary Details
Ahmet Sagbilge
2019Substitute TeacherHarmony School of Science - Houston
2019 Substitute Teacher Harmony School of Science - HoustonView Salary Details
Ana Mejia L
2019Substitute TeacherHarmony School of Science - Houston
2019 Substitute Teacher Harmony School of Science - HoustonView Salary Details
Sena Qutob Mustajbasic
2019Substitute TeacherHarmony School of Science - Houston
2019 Substitute Teacher Harmony School of Science - HoustonView Salary Details
Akilla Srabani
2019Substitute TeacherHarmony School of Science - Houston
2019 Substitute Teacher Harmony School of Science - HoustonView Salary Details
Williams Audrey Latasha
2019Substitute TeacherHarmony School of Science - Houston
2019 Substitute Teacher Harmony School of Science - HoustonView Salary Details
Rodriguez Magda M
2019Substitute TeacherHarmony School of Science - Houston
2019 Substitute Teacher Harmony School of Science - HoustonView Salary Details



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