Pecos City sargeant patrol officer salary

The average Pecos City sargeant patrol officer salary was $55,638. Sargeant Patrol Officer salary in Pecos City is usually between $54,928 and $56,151 (25th and 75th). The highest sargeant patrol officer salary in Pecos City was $56,151. There are 3 employees in Pecos City whose job title is sargeant patrol officer.


Sargeant Patrol Officer Salaries

NameYearJob TitleEmployer
Armando Garcia
2017Sargeant Patrol OfficerPecos City
2017 Sargeant Patrol Officer Pecos CityView Salary Details
Ricardo Martinez
2017Sargeant Patrol OfficerPecos City
2017 Sargeant Patrol Officer Pecos CityView Salary Details
Cosme Ortega L
2017Sargeant Patrol OfficerPecos City
2017 Sargeant Patrol Officer Pecos CityView Salary Details



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