Northern Vermont University vehicle mechanic salary

The average Northern Vermont University vehicle mechanic salary was $46,196, which is 4 percent higher than the average salary for this job in Vermont, but 3 percent lower then the average salary for this job nationwide. Vehicle Mechanic salary in Northern Vermont University is usually between $45,279 and $47,112 (25th and 75th). The highest vehicle mechanic salary in Northern Vermont University was $47,112. There are 2 employees in Northern Vermont University whose job title is vehicle mechanic.


Vehicle Mechanic Salaries

NameYearJob TitleEmployer
Jeff Machia A
2021Vehicle MechanicNorthern Vermont University
2021 Vehicle Mechanic Northern Vermont UniversityView Salary Details
Terry Dwyer K
2021Vehicle MechanicNorthern Vermont University
2021 Vehicle Mechanic Northern Vermont UniversityView Salary Details



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