Morgantown Employees Retirement and Benefit Fund executive assistant salary

The average Morgantown Employees Retirement and Benefit Fund executive assistant salary was $46,845, which is 2 percent lower than the average salary for this job in West Virginia, and 32 percent lower then the average salary for this job nationwide. Executive Assistant salary in Morgantown Employees Retirement and Benefit Fund is usually between $44,833 and $46,826 (25th and 75th). The highest executive assistant salary in Morgantown Employees Retirement and Benefit Fund was $55,321. There are 6 employees in Morgantown Employees Retirement and Benefit Fund whose job title is executive assistant.


Executive Assistant Salaries

NameYearJob TitleEmployer
Carol Allen A
2022Executive AssistantMorgantown Employees Retirement and Benefit Fund
2022 Executive Assistant Morgantown Employees Retirement and Benefit FundView Salary Details
Sandra Lynn Dent
2022Executive AssistantMorgantown Employees Retirement and Benefit Fund
2022 Executive Assistant Morgantown Employees Retirement and Benefit FundView Salary Details
Barbara Ann Morgan
2022Executive AssistantMorgantown Employees Retirement and Benefit Fund
2022 Executive Assistant Morgantown Employees Retirement and Benefit FundView Salary Details
Erin Renee Fullmer
2022Executive AssistantMorgantown Employees Retirement and Benefit Fund
2022 Executive Assistant Morgantown Employees Retirement and Benefit FundView Salary Details
Jennifer Lee Harker
2022Executive AssistantMorgantown Employees Retirement and Benefit Fund
2022 Executive Assistant Morgantown Employees Retirement and Benefit FundView Salary Details
Barbara Marie McDonald
2022Executive AssistantMorgantown Employees Retirement and Benefit Fund
2022 Executive Assistant Morgantown Employees Retirement and Benefit FundView Salary Details



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