Appointed Executive Salary

What is the salary of an Appointed Executive? In the United States, an Appointed Executive earns an average salary of $46,071. The salary range for an Appointed Executive is usually between $22,124 and $70,989 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $99,089. The highest Appointed Executive salary in the United States was $209,908. The average hourly pay for an Appointed Executive is $22.15.

Employers paying the highest salary for an Appointed Executive job are White Plains City School District (NY), Garden City (NY) and Tarrytown Union Free Schools (NY).

Average Salary
Records Number
Employers Number
Job Pay Rank

Appointed Executive Salary Statistics


Top Paying Employers for Appointed Executive Jobs

EmployerAverage Salary
White Plains City School District, NY$151,944
Garden City, NY$138,832
Tarrytown Union Free Schools, NY$136,355
Lawrence, NY$136,195
Rochester, NY$132,877
Greenburgh-Graham Union Free Schools, NY$130,519
Sands Point, NY$120,195
Suffolk, NY$116,542
Schoharie, NY$114,452
Yorktown, NY$111,509

Similar Jobs

Job TitleAverage Salary
Appointed Official$85,048
Appointed Officials$109,741

Top Paid Appointed Executive
