Building Maintenance Repairer Salary

What is the salary of a Building Maintenance Repairer? In the United States, a Building Maintenance Repairer earns an average salary of $30,165. The salary range for a Building Maintenance Repairer is usually between $30,000 and $35,000 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $52,203. The highest Building Maintenance Repairer salary in the United States was $52,203. The average hourly pay for a Building Maintenance Repairer is $14.50.

Employers paying the highest salary for a Building Maintenance Repairer job are City of Oak Park (MI) and Mississippi State University (MS).

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Building Maintenance Repairer Salary Lookup
Average Salary
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Building Maintenance Repairer Salary Statistics


Top Paying Employers for Building Maintenance Repairer Jobs

EmployerAverage Salary
City of Oak Park, MI$52,203
Mississippi State University, MS$31,402

Building Maintenance Repairer Salary in States

Select a state to view specific salary for Building Maintenance Repairer and other interesting information

StateAverage SalaryRecords Number

Top Paid Building Maintenance Repairer

Richard Duane Cordeiro
Caroline County, MD
Richard Duane CordeiroMDCaroline CountyView Details
Jayson Valdez
County of Maui, HI
Jayson ValdezHICounty of MauiView Details
David Puu
County of Maui, HI
David PuuHICounty of MauiView Details
Dwayne Kalilikane
County of Maui, HI
Dwayne KalilikaneHICounty of MauiView Details
Ramirez Jojit
County of Maui, HI
Ramirez JojitHICounty of MauiView Details
Michael Hooper
County of Maui, HI
Michael HooperHICounty of MauiView Details
Cruz Guillermo Dela
County of Maui, HI
Cruz Guillermo DelaHICounty of MauiView Details
Felipe Bulusan
County of Maui, HI
Felipe BulusanHICounty of MauiView Details
David Puu
County of Maui, HI
David PuuHICounty of MauiView Details
Dwayne Kalilikane
County of Maui, HI
Dwayne KalilikaneHICounty of MauiView Details
Michael Hooper
County of Maui, HI
Michael HooperHICounty of MauiView Details
Cruz Guillermo Dela
County of Maui, HI
Cruz Guillermo DelaHICounty of MauiView Details
Felipe Bulusan
County of Maui, HI
Felipe BulusanHICounty of MauiView Details
Jayson Valdez
County of Maui, HI
Jayson ValdezHICounty of MauiView Details
Ramirez Jojit
County of Maui, HI
Ramirez JojitHICounty of MauiView Details
Edwin Calderon V
City and County of Honolulu, HI
Edwin Calderon VHICity and County of HonoluluView Details
Darren Henry D
City and County of Honolulu, HI
Darren Henry DHICity and County of HonoluluView Details
Timothy Malama N
City and County of Honolulu, HI
Timothy Malama NHICity and County of HonoluluView Details
Stanford Lopes D
City and County of Honolulu, HI
Stanford Lopes DHICity and County of HonoluluView Details
Bernard Galdeira L
City and County of Honolulu, HI
Bernard Galdeira LHICity and County of HonoluluView Details
Building Maintenance Repairer Salary Lookup