Deputy State?S Attorney Salary

What is the salary of a Deputy State?S Attorney? In the United States, a Deputy State?S Attorney earns an average salary of $111,107. The salary range for a Deputy State?S Attorney is usually between $67,738 and $140,596 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $165,283. The highest Deputy State?S Attorney salary in the United States was $177,700. The average hourly pay for a Deputy State?S Attorney is $53.42.

Employers paying the highest salary for a Deputy State?S Attorney job are Anne Arundel County (MD), Baltimore County (MD) and Prince George's County (MD).

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Deputy State?S Attorney Salary Lookup
Average Salary
Records Number
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Deputy State?S Attorney Salary Statistics


Top Paying Employers for Deputy State?S Attorney Jobs

EmployerAverage Salary
Anne Arundel County, MD$165,283
Baltimore County, MD$141,019
Prince George's County, MD$137,286
Queen Anne's County, MD$121,376
Vermont State's Attorneys and Sheriffs Department, VT$100,450
Hughes County, SD$78,977

Deputy State?S Attorney Salary in States

Select a state to view specific salary for Deputy State?S Attorney and other interesting information

StateAverage SalaryRecords Number
South Dakota$78,9772

Top Paid Deputy State?S Attorney

John Lavoie T
Vermont State's Attorneys and Sheriffs Department, VT
John Lavoie TVTVermont State's Attorneys and Sheriffs DepartmentView Details
Robert Plunkett
Vermont State's Attorneys and Sheriffs Department, VT
Robert PlunkettVTVermont State's Attorneys and Sheriffs DepartmentView Details
Susan Hardin G
Vermont State's Attorneys and Sheriffs Department, VT
Susan Hardin GVTVermont State's Attorneys and Sheriffs DepartmentView Details
Jessica Ann Daigle
Anne Arundel County, MD
Jessica Ann DaigleMDAnne Arundel CountyView Details
Brian Marsh A
Anne Arundel County, MD
Brian Marsh AMDAnne Arundel CountyView Details
David Gartenstein
Vermont State's Attorneys and Sheriffs Department, VT
David GartensteinVTVermont State's Attorneys and Sheriffs DepartmentView Details
Diane Wheeler C
Vermont State's Attorneys and Sheriffs Department, VT
Diane Wheeler CVTVermont State's Attorneys and Sheriffs DepartmentView Details
Steven Brown M
Vermont State's Attorneys and Sheriffs Department, VT
Steven Brown MVTVermont State's Attorneys and Sheriffs DepartmentView Details
Thomas Paul
Vermont State's Attorneys and Sheriffs Department, VT
Thomas PaulVTVermont State's Attorneys and Sheriffs DepartmentView Details
Brian Marsh A
Anne Arundel County, MD
Brian Marsh AMDAnne Arundel CountyView Details
Jessica Daigle A
Anne Arundel County, MD
Jessica Daigle AMDAnne Arundel CountyView Details
Jessica Daigle
Anne Arundel County, MD
Jessica DaigleMDAnne Arundel CountyView Details
Brian Marsh
Anne Arundel County, MD
Brian MarshMDAnne Arundel CountyView Details
Alexander Burke N
Vermont State's Attorneys and Sheriffs Department, VT
Alexander Burke NVTVermont State's Attorneys and Sheriffs DepartmentView Details
Jessica Daigle A
Anne Arundel County Retirement and Pension Fund, MD
Jessica Daigle AMDAnne Arundel County Retirement and Pension FundView Details
Brian Marsh A
Anne Arundel County Retirement and Pension Fund, MD
Brian Marsh AMDAnne Arundel County Retirement and Pension FundView Details
Kristin Wood Gozzi
Vermont State's Attorneys and Sheriffs Department, VT
Kristin Wood GozziVTVermont State's Attorneys and Sheriffs DepartmentView Details
George Hasselback
Vermont State's Attorneys and Sheriffs Department, VT
George HasselbackVTVermont State's Attorneys and Sheriffs DepartmentView Details
Jones Claude Vastey De
County of Anne Arundel, MD
Jones Claude Vastey DeMDCounty of Anne ArundelView Details
Pamela Johnson L
Vermont State's Attorneys and Sheriffs Department, VT
Pamela Johnson LVTVermont State's Attorneys and Sheriffs DepartmentView Details
Deputy State?S Attorney Salary Lookup