Director/Coordinator Salary

What is the salary of a Director/Coordinator? In the United States, a Director/Coordinator earns an average salary of $112,029. The salary range for a Director/Coordinator is usually between $91,196 and $124,848 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $130,539. The highest Director/Coordinator salary in the United States was $144,512. The average hourly pay for a Director/Coordinator is $53.86.

What are Top Paying States and Employers for Director/Coordinator Jobs?

Top 3 states paying the highest average Director/Coordinator salary are Alaska, with an average salary of $107,003, followed by Arkansas, with an average salary of $94,748, and California, with an average salary of $93,326. Employers paying the highest salary for a Director/Coordinator job are Bering Strait School District (AK), Lower Yukon School District (AK) and Anchorage School District (AK).

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Director/Coordinator Salary Statistics


Director/Coordinator Salary in States

Select a state to view specific salary for Director/Coordinator and other interesting information

StateAverage SalaryRecords Number
West Virginia$95,6535

Top Paid Director/Coordinator

Jennifer Knutson S
Anchorage School District, AK
Jennifer Knutson SAKAnchorage School DistrictView Details
Perrian Windhausen B
Northwest Arctic Borough School District, AK
Perrian Windhausen BAKNorthwest Arctic Borough School DistrictView Details
Timothy Vlasak
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District, AK
Timothy VlasakAKKenai Peninsula Borough School DistrictView Details
Jennifer Knutson S
Anchorage School District, AK
Jennifer Knutson SAKAnchorage School DistrictView Details
Jennifer Knutson S
Anchorage School District, AK
Jennifer Knutson SAKAnchorage School DistrictView Details
Daryl Daugaard
Lower Kuskokwim School District, AK
Daryl DaugaardAKLower Kuskokwim School DistrictView Details
Daryl Daugaard H
Lower Kuskokwim School District, AK
Daryl Daugaard HAKLower Kuskokwim School DistrictView Details
Perrian Windhausen B
Northwest Arctic Borough School District, AK
Perrian Windhausen BAKNorthwest Arctic Borough School DistrictView Details
Mark Roseberry J
North Slope Borough School District, AK
Mark Roseberry JAKNorth Slope Borough School DistrictView Details
Freeman Brian R
North Slope Borough School District, AK
Freeman Brian RAKNorth Slope Borough School DistrictView Details
Doug Walrath
Bering Strait School District, AK
Doug WalrathAKBering Strait School DistrictView Details
Brian Freeman
North Slope Borough School District, AK
Brian FreemanAKNorth Slope Borough School DistrictView Details
Brian Freeman
North Slope Borough School District, AK
Brian FreemanAKNorth Slope Borough School DistrictView Details
Conrad Woodhead
Lower Yukon School District, AK
Conrad WoodheadAKLower Yukon School DistrictView Details
Monica Simmons T
Lower Yukon School District, AK
Monica Simmons TAKLower Yukon School DistrictView Details
Janet Johnson
Lower Yukon School District, AK
Janet JohnsonAKLower Yukon School DistrictView Details
Doug Walrath
Bering Strait School District, AK
Doug WalrathAKBering Strait School DistrictView Details
Doreen Brown E
Anchorage School District, AK
Doreen Brown EAKAnchorage School DistrictView Details
Kimberly Hankins
Lower Kuskokwim School District, AK
Kimberly HankinsAKLower Kuskokwim School DistrictView Details
Kimberly Hankins
Lower Kuskokwim School District, AK
Kimberly HankinsAKLower Kuskokwim School DistrictView Details
Director/Coordinator Salary Lookup