Disability Program Manager Salary

What is the salary of a Disability Program Manager? In the United States, a Disability Program Manager earns an average salary of $92,030. The salary range for a Disability Program Manager is usually between $87,903 and $98,309 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $104,998. The highest Disability Program Manager salary in the United States was $107,306. The average hourly pay for a Disability Program Manager is $44.25.

Employer paying the highest salary for a Disability Program Manager job is Department of Labor and Industry (PA).

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Disability Program Manager Salary in States

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Top Paid Disability Program Manager

Denise Stokes
Alameda County, CA
Denise Stokes CAAlameda CountyView Details
Denise Lococo
Alameda County, CA
Denise Lococo CAAlameda CountyView Details
Denise Stokes
Alameda County, CA
Denise Stokes CAAlameda CountyView Details
Christopher Repella
Department of Labor and Industry, PA
Christopher RepellaPADepartment of Labor and IndustryView Details
John Mazur
Department of Labor and Industry, PA
John MazurPADepartment of Labor and IndustryView Details
Harry Henry
Department of Labor and Industry, PA
Harry HenryPADepartment of Labor and IndustryView Details
Christopher Repella
Department of Labor and Industry, PA
Christopher RepellaPADepartment of Labor and IndustryView Details
John Mazur
Department of Labor and Industry, PA
John MazurPADepartment of Labor and IndustryView Details
Laura Green
Department of Labor and Industry, PA
Laura GreenPADepartment of Labor and IndustryView Details
Shanna Smith
Department of Labor and Industry, PA
Shanna SmithPADepartment of Labor and IndustryView Details
Angelique Hoffer
Department of Labor and Industry, PA
Angelique HofferPADepartment of Labor and IndustryView Details
Lisa Gable
Department of Labor and Industry, PA
Lisa GablePADepartment of Labor and IndustryView Details
Meribeth Demmel
Department of Labor and Industry, PA
Meribeth DemmelPADepartment of Labor and IndustryView Details
Harry Henry
Department of Labor and Industry, PA
Harry HenryPADepartment of Labor and IndustryView Details
Christopher Repella
Department of Labor and Industry, PA
Christopher RepellaPADepartment of Labor and IndustryView Details
John Mazur
Department of Labor and Industry, PA
John MazurPADepartment of Labor and IndustryView Details
Jennifer Wawrin
Department of Labor and Industry, PA
Jennifer WawrinPADepartment of Labor and IndustryView Details
Julie Harwick
Department of Labor and Industry, PA
Julie HarwickPADepartment of Labor and IndustryView Details
Angelique Hoffer
Department of Labor and Industry, PA
Angelique HofferPADepartment of Labor and IndustryView Details
Laura Green
Department of Labor and Industry, PA
Laura GreenPADepartment of Labor and IndustryView Details
Disability Program Manager Salary Lookup