Lead Ticket Seller Salary

What is the salary of a Lead Ticket Seller? In the United States, a Lead Ticket Seller earns an average salary of $11,960.

Employer paying the highest salary for a Lead Ticket Seller job is George Mason University (VA).

Are you looking for a specific Lead Ticket Seller salary?

Lead Ticket Seller Salary Lookup
Average Salary
Records Number
Employers Number
Job Pay Rank

Top Paying Employers for Lead Ticket Seller Jobs

EmployerAverage Salary
George Mason University, VA$12,003

Lead Ticket Seller Salary in States

Select a state to view specific salary for Lead Ticket Seller and other interesting information

StateAverage SalaryRecords Number
New York$80,13413

Top Paid Lead Ticket Seller

Marie Bellevue-Taylor B
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Marie Bellevue-Taylor BNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Karen Milton-Chapman B
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Karen Milton-Chapman BNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Phillip Boudreau G
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Phillip Boudreau GNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Frank Longbucco
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Frank Longbucco NYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Zearl Whitten C
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Zearl Whitten CNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Balram Jaikaran
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Balram Jaikaran NYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Victoria Cacciatore A
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Victoria Cacciatore ANYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Stephen Scofield R
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Stephen Scofield RNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Felicia Morrison E
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Felicia Morrison ENYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Lamar Karow J
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Lamar Karow JNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Eugenia Rice M
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Eugenia Rice MNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Carlton Evans
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Carlton Evans NYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Brian Ferguson J
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Brian Ferguson JNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Susan Meyer M
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Susan Meyer MNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Lashawn Cherry
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Lashawn Cherry NYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Jeffrey Fleming W
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Jeffrey Fleming WNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
David Mack G
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
David Mack GNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Victoria Cacciatore A
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Victoria Cacciatore ANYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Brian Ferguson J
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Brian Ferguson JNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Alphonso Jenkins
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Alphonso Jenkins NYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Lead Ticket Seller Salary Lookup