Maintainer Ii Salary

What is the salary of a Maintainer Ii? In the United States, a Maintainer Ii earns an average salary of $94,719. The salary range for a Maintainer Ii is usually between $92,549 and $97,158 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $99,059. The highest Maintainer Ii salary in the United States was $153,724. The average hourly pay for a Maintainer Ii is $45.54.

Employers paying the highest salary for a Maintainer Ii job are Metropolitan Transit Authority (NY) and City of Norwalk (CT).

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Maintainer Ii Salary Lookup
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Maintainer Ii Salary Statistics


Top Paying Employers for Maintainer Ii Jobs

EmployerAverage Salary
Metropolitan Transit Authority, NY$92,236
City of Norwalk, CT$59,987

Similar Jobs

Job TitleAverage Salary
Maintainer Operator$55,850
Maintainer I$88,003

Maintainer Ii Salary in States

Select a state to view specific salary for Maintainer Ii and other interesting information

StateAverage SalaryRecords Number
New York$92,236192

Top Paid Maintainer Ii

Antonio Vasquez
Metropolitan Transit Authority, NY
Antonio Vasquez NYMetropolitan Transit AuthorityView Details
Abdullah Mahmud A
Metropolitan Transit Authority, NY
Abdullah Mahmud ANYMetropolitan Transit AuthorityView Details
Mourad Barsoum
Metropolitan Transit Authority, NY
Mourad Barsoum NYMetropolitan Transit AuthorityView Details
Mourad Barsoum
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Mourad Barsoum NYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Edy Reyes
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Edy Reyes NYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Gerhard Maca A
Metropolitan Transit Authority, NY
Gerhard Maca ANYMetropolitan Transit AuthorityView Details
Desmond Walker
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Desmond Walker NYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Benjamin Rodriguez
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Benjamin Rodriguez NYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Richard Rodriguez V
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Richard Rodriguez VNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Gerhard Maca A
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Gerhard Maca ANYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Edy Reyes
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Edy Reyes NYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Mourad Barsoum
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Mourad Barsoum NYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Roy Liton K
Metropolitan Transit Authority, NY
Roy Liton KNYMetropolitan Transit AuthorityView Details
Andre Smalling F
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Andre Smalling FNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Benjamin Rodriguez
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Benjamin Rodriguez NYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Vincent Vollono C
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Vincent Vollono CNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Richard Rodriguez V
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Richard Rodriguez VNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Roy Liton K
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Roy Liton KNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Frankie Marin
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Frankie Marin NYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Edy Reyes
Metropolitan Transit Authority, NY
Edy Reyes NYMetropolitan Transit AuthorityView Details
Maintainer Ii Salary Lookup