Medicaid Program Specialist Salary

What is the salary of a Medicaid Program Specialist? In the United States, a Medicaid Program Specialist earns an average salary of $84,985. The salary range for a Medicaid Program Specialist is usually between $69,394 and $99,059 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $108,851. The highest Medicaid Program Specialist salary in the United States was $124,329. The average hourly pay for a Medicaid Program Specialist is $40.86.

What are Top Paying States and Employers for Medicaid Program Specialist Jobs?

Top 3 states paying the highest average Medicaid Program Specialist salary are Alaska, with an average salary of $83,890, followed by Maryland, with an average salary of $48,253, and Oregon, with an average salary of $20,160. Employer paying the highest salary for a Medicaid Program Specialist job is Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (AK).

Are you looking for a specific Medicaid Program Specialist salary?

Medicaid Program Specialist Salary Lookup
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Records Number
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Medicaid Program Specialist Salary Statistics


Top Paying Employers for Medicaid Program Specialist Jobs

EmployerAverage Salary
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK$83,890

Medicaid Program Specialist Salary in States

Select a state to view specific salary for Medicaid Program Specialist and other interesting information

StateAverage SalaryRecords Number

Top Paid Medicaid Program Specialist

Jamie Lang E
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Jamie Lang EAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Kristin Delfino M
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Kristin Delfino MAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Karen Benson D
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Karen Benson DAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Clarissa Moon S
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Clarissa Moon SAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Jamie Lang E
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Jamie Lang EAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Courtney King O
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Courtney King OAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Clarissa Moon S
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Clarissa Moon SAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Carrie Silvers M
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Carrie Silvers MAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Susan Dunkin M
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Susan Dunkin MAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Kristin Delfino M
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Kristin Delfino MAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Clarissa Moon S
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Clarissa Moon SAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Jana Atonio T
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Jana Atonio TAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Courtney King O
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Courtney King OAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Katherine Hudson L
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Katherine Hudson LAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Karen Benson D
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Karen Benson DAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Kristina Harp L
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Kristina Harp LAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Susan Dunkin M
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Susan Dunkin MAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Benson Karen D
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Benson Karen DAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
King Courtney O
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
King Courtney OAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Courtney King O
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Courtney King OAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Medicaid Program Specialist Salary Lookup