Property Management Coordinator Salary

What is the salary of a Property Management Coordinator? In the United States, a Property Management Coordinator earns an average salary of $143,818. The salary range for a Property Management Coordinator is usually between $54,378 and $148,416 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $148,416. The highest Property Management Coordinator salary in the United States was $148,416. The average hourly pay for a Property Management Coordinator is $69.14.

What are Top Paying States and Employers for Property Management Coordinator Jobs?

Top 3 states paying the highest average Property Management Coordinator salary are California, with an average salary of $146,117, followed by Washington, with an average salary of $63,994, and Florida, with an average salary of $43,044. Employers paying the highest salary for a Property Management Coordinator job are Alfred B Nobel Charter Middle (CA), George Ellery Hale Charter Academy (CA) and Los Angeles Unified (CA).

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Property Management Coordinator Salary in States

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Top Paid Property Management Coordinator

Editha Ventura
Los Angeles Unified, CA
Editha VenturaCALos Angeles UnifiedView Details
Ricardo Reyes
Los Angeles Unified, CA
Ricardo ReyesCALos Angeles UnifiedView Details
Editha Ventura
Los Angeles Unified, CA
Editha VenturaCALos Angeles UnifiedView Details
Editha Ventura
George Ellery Hale Charter Academy, CA
Editha VenturaCAGeorge Ellery Hale Charter AcademyView Details
Editha Ventura
Alfred B Nobel Charter Middle, CA
Editha VenturaCAAlfred B Nobel Charter MiddleView Details
Ricardo Reyes
Los Angeles Unified, CA
Ricardo ReyesCALos Angeles UnifiedView Details
Ricardo Reyes
George Ellery Hale Charter Academy, CA
Ricardo ReyesCAGeorge Ellery Hale Charter AcademyView Details
Ricardo Reyes
Alfred B Nobel Charter Middle, CA
Ricardo ReyesCAAlfred B Nobel Charter MiddleView Details
Ricardo Reyes
Los Angeles Unified, CA
Ricardo ReyesCALos Angeles UnifiedView Details
Editha Ventura
Los Angeles Unified, CA
Editha VenturaCALos Angeles UnifiedView Details
Ricardo Reyes
Los Angeles Unified, CA
Ricardo ReyesCALos Angeles UnifiedView Details
Editha Ventura
Los Angeles Unified, CA
Editha VenturaCALos Angeles UnifiedView Details
Cristi Valentine A
Lakewood Ranch Inter-District Authority, FL
Cristi Valentine AFLLakewood Ranch Inter-District AuthorityView Details
Diana Gosnell C
Sound Transit, WA
Diana Gosnell CWASound TransitView Details
Valentine Cristi A
Lakewood Ranch Inter-District Authority, FL
Valentine Cristi AFLLakewood Ranch Inter-District AuthorityView Details
Diana Gosnell C
Sound Transit, WA
Diana Gosnell CWASound TransitView Details
Young Susan
Lakewood Ranch Inter-District Authority, FL
Young SusanFLLakewood Ranch Inter-District AuthorityView Details
Joan Marie Lucero Younger
Lakewood Ranch Inter-District Authority, FL
Joan Marie Lucero YoungerFLLakewood Ranch Inter-District AuthorityView Details
Joan Marie Lucero Younger
Lakewood Ranch Inter-District Authority, FL
Joan Marie Lucero YoungerFLLakewood Ranch Inter-District AuthorityView Details
David Harry Hart
Lakewood Ranch Inter-District Authority, FL
David Harry HartFLLakewood Ranch Inter-District AuthorityView Details
Property Management Coordinator Salary Lookup