Desmond Caldwell D has 32 Salary Records

There are 32 salary records for Desmond Caldwell D with 8 different job titles from 10 employers across 4 states.

NameStateYearJob TitleEmployer
Desmond Caldwell D
CT2016Hartford Bd Of EdN/A$123,843
Desmond Caldwell DCT2016 N/A Hartford Bd Of EdView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell D
MA2017City of SpringfieldPrincipal$115,000
Desmond Caldwell DMA2017 Principal City of SpringfieldView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell
MA2021City of NorthamptonPrincipal$111,993
Desmond CaldwellMA2021 Principal City of NorthamptonView Salary & Details
Caldwell Desmond D
MA2019City of SpringfieldAssistant Principal$100,425
Caldwell Desmond DMA2019 Assistant Principal City of SpringfieldView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell D
MA2018City Of SpringfieldAssistant Principal$97,500
Desmond Caldwell DMA2018 Assistant Principal City Of SpringfieldView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell A
NJ2022State Police Law Enforcement PersonnelN/A$93,397
Desmond Caldwell ANJ2022 N/A State Police Law Enforcement PersonnelView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell A
NJ2021State Police Law Enforcement PersonnelN/A$82,812
Desmond Caldwell ANJ2021 N/A State Police Law Enforcement PersonnelView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell A
NJ2020State Police Law Enforcement PersonnelN/A$76,653
Desmond Caldwell ANJ2020 N/A State Police Law Enforcement PersonnelView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell D
CT2017Hartford Bd Of EdN/A$74,644
Desmond Caldwell DCT2017 N/A Hartford Bd Of EdView Salary & Details
Caldwell Desmond A
NJ2019State Police Law Enforcement PersonnelN/A$70,598
Caldwell Desmond ANJ2019 N/A State Police Law Enforcement PersonnelView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell A
NJ2016State Police - Enlisted PersonnelTrooper$67,964
Desmond Caldwell ANJ2016 Trooper State Police - Enlisted PersonnelView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell A
NJ2015State Police - Enlisted PersonnelTrooper$65,826
Desmond Caldwell ANJ2015 Trooper State Police - Enlisted PersonnelView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell D
CT2023Capitol Region Education CouncilN/A$60,225
Desmond Caldwell DCT2023 N/A Capitol Region Education CouncilView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell D
CT2022Capitol Region Education CouncilN/A$58,757
Desmond Caldwell DCT2022 N/A Capitol Region Education CouncilView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell A
NJ2018State Police Enlisted PrsnnlN/A$57,854
Desmond Caldwell ANJ2018 N/A State Police Enlisted PrsnnlView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell A
NJ2017State Police Enlisted PrsnnlN/A$57,854
Desmond Caldwell ANJ2017 N/A State Police Enlisted PrsnnlView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell
OH2020Department of Developmental DisabilitiesMaintenance Repair Worker$43,921
Desmond CaldwellOH2020 Maintenance Repair Worker Department of Developmental DisabilitiesView Salary & Details
Caldwell Desmond
OH2021Department of Developmental DisabilitiesMaintenance Repair Worker$42,954
Caldwell DesmondOH2021 Maintenance Repair Worker Department of Developmental DisabilitiesView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell
OH2019Department of Developmental DisabilitiesMaintenance Repair Worker$41,086
Desmond CaldwellOH2019 Maintenance Repair Worker Department of Developmental DisabilitiesView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell
OH2019Ohio StateMaintenance Repair Worker$41,086
Desmond CaldwellOH2019 Maintenance Repair Worker Ohio StateView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell
OH2023Department of Developmental DisabilitiesHousekeeping Manager$39,954
Desmond CaldwellOH2023 Housekeeping Manager Department of Developmental DisabilitiesView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell
OH2018Ohio StateMaintenance Repair Worker$37,642
Desmond CaldwellOH2018 Maintenance Repair Worker Ohio StateView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell
OH2022Department of Developmental DisabilitiesMaintenance Repair Worker$37,222
Desmond CaldwellOH2022 Maintenance Repair Worker Department of Developmental DisabilitiesView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell
OH2017Developmental DisabilitiesMaintenance Repair Worker$35,849
Desmond CaldwellOH2017 Maintenance Repair Worker Developmental DisabilitiesView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell
OH2016Developmental DisabilitiesMaintenance Repair Worker$31,422
Desmond CaldwellOH2016 Maintenance Repair Worker Developmental DisabilitiesView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell
OH2015Developmental DisabilitiesCustodial Worker$30,825
Desmond CaldwellOH2015 Custodial Worker Developmental DisabilitiesView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell
OH2014Developmental DisabilitiesCustodial Worker$29,018
Desmond CaldwellOH2014 Custodial Worker Developmental DisabilitiesView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell
OH2013Developmental DisabilitiesCustodial Worker$26,173
Desmond CaldwellOH2013 Custodial Worker Developmental DisabilitiesView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell
OH2012Developmental DisabilitiesFood Service Worker$23,324
Desmond CaldwellOH2012 Food Service Worker Developmental DisabilitiesView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell
OH2023Department of Developmental DisabilitiesBuilding Maintenance Supt$16,270
Desmond CaldwellOH2023 Building Maintenance Supt Department of Developmental DisabilitiesView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell
OH2022Department of Developmental DisabilitiesHousekeeping Manager$11,096
Desmond CaldwellOH2022 Housekeeping Manager Department of Developmental DisabilitiesView Salary & Details
Desmond Caldwell
OH2011Developmental DisabilitiesFood Service Worker$1,182
Desmond CaldwellOH2011 Food Service Worker Developmental DisabilitiesView Salary & Details