Gerald Bunch has 23 Salary Records

There are 23 salary records for Gerald Bunch with 5 different job titles from 5 employers across 2 states.

NameStateYearJob TitleEmployer
Gerald Bunch
CA2021ModestoFire Captain$221,022
Gerald BunchCA2021 Fire Captain ModestoView Salary & Details
Gerald Bunch
CA2019ModestoFire Captain$193,903
Gerald BunchCA2019 Fire Captain ModestoView Salary & Details
Gerald Bunch A
CA2022ModestoFire Captain$141,155
Gerald Bunch ACA2022 Fire Captain ModestoView Salary & Details
Gerald Bunch
CA2012Modesto Regional Fire AuthorityFire Engineer$135,508
Gerald BunchCA2012 Fire Engineer Modesto Regional Fire AuthorityView Salary & Details
Gerald Bunch
CA2014ModestoFire Engineer$128,186
Gerald BunchCA2014 Fire Engineer ModestoView Salary & Details
Gerald Bunch
CA2013Modesto Regional Fire AuthorityFire Engineer$126,941
Gerald BunchCA2013 Fire Engineer Modesto Regional Fire AuthorityView Salary & Details
Gerald A‬ Bunch
CA2013ModestoFire Engineer$124,227
Gerald A‬ Bunch CA2013 Fire Engineer ModestoView Salary & Details
Gerald Bunch
CA2012ModestoFire Engineer$101,718
Gerald BunchCA2012 Fire Engineer ModestoView Salary & Details
Gerald Bunch
CA2020ModestoFire Captain$96,453
Gerald BunchCA2020 Fire Captain ModestoView Salary & Details
Gerald Bunch A
CA2018City Of ModestoN/A$92,145
Gerald Bunch ACA2018 N/A City Of ModestoView Salary & Details
Gerald Bunch
CA2011ModestoFire Engineer$90,298
Gerald BunchCA2011 Fire Engineer ModestoView Salary & Details
Gerald Bunch
TX2023Mansfield Independent School DistrictTransportation$89,974
Gerald BunchTX2023 Transportation Mansfield Independent School DistrictView Salary & Details
Gerald Bunch A
CA2017City Of ModestoN/A$87,360
Gerald Bunch ACA2017 N/A City Of ModestoView Salary & Details
Gerald Bunch
TX2022Mansfield Independent School DistrictTransportation$86,548
Gerald BunchTX2022 Transportation Mansfield Independent School DistrictView Salary & Details
Gerald Bunch
TX2021Mansfield Independent School DistrictTransportation$84,853
Gerald BunchTX2021 Transportation Mansfield Independent School DistrictView Salary & Details
Gerald Bunch
TX2020Mansfield Independent School DistrictTransportation$83,500
Gerald BunchTX2020 Transportation Mansfield Independent School DistrictView Salary & Details
Gerald Bunch A
CA2016City Of ModestoN/A$79,876
Gerald Bunch ACA2016 N/A City Of ModestoView Salary & Details
Gerald Bunch A
CA2015City Of ModestoN/A$78,711
Gerald Bunch ACA2015 N/A City Of ModestoView Salary & Details
Gerald Bunch
TX2019Mansfield Independent School DistrictTransportation$69,217
Gerald BunchTX2019 Transportation Mansfield Independent School DistrictView Salary & Details
Gerald Bunch
TX2018Mansfield IsdTransportation$69,094
Gerald BunchTX2018 Transportation Mansfield IsdView Salary & Details
Gerald Bunch
TX2017Mansfield IsdOthr Non-Instr District$67,347
Gerald BunchTX2017 Othr Non-Instr District Mansfield IsdView Salary & Details
Gerald Bunch
TX2016Mansfield IsdOthr Non-Instr District$66,126
Gerald BunchTX2016 Othr Non-Instr District Mansfield IsdView Salary & Details
Gerald Bunch
TX2015Mansfield IsdAuxiliary$64,298
Gerald BunchTX2015 Auxiliary Mansfield IsdView Salary & Details