Central Office Salary in Vermont

The average Central Office salary in Vermont is $63,341. The salary range for a Central Office is usually between $57,303 and $65,849 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $78,844. The average hourly pay for a Central Office is $30.45 per hour.

The employer paying the highest salary for a Central Office job in Vermont is Harwood Unified Union School District with an average salary as high as $60,344.

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Top Paid Central Office in Vermont

Angela Neill L
Harwood Unified Union School District, VT
Angela Neill LVTHarwood Unified Union School DistrictView Details
Bret Zeno
Harwood Unified Union School District, VT
Bret ZenoVTHarwood Unified Union School DistrictView Details
Shannon Wisdom
Harwood Unified Union School District, VT
Shannon WisdomVTHarwood Unified Union School DistrictView Details
Laura Titus
Harwood Unified Union School District, VT
Laura TitusVTHarwood Unified Union School DistrictView Details
Dawson Donarae
Harwood Unified Union School District, VT
Dawson DonaraeVTHarwood Unified Union School DistrictView Details
Tanya Cheney
Harwood Unified Union School District, VT
Tanya CheneyVTHarwood Unified Union School DistrictView Details
Angela Young
Harwood Unified Union School District, VT
Angela YoungVTHarwood Unified Union School DistrictView Details
Marci Robinson
Harwood Unified Union School District, VT
Marci RobinsonVTHarwood Unified Union School DistrictView Details
Heidi Clark
Harwood Unified Union School District, VT
Heidi ClarkVTHarwood Unified Union School DistrictView Details
Jane Parker
Harwood Unified Union School District, VT
Jane ParkerVTHarwood Unified Union School DistrictView Details
Tammy Valadakis
Harwood Unified Union School District, VT
Tammy ValadakisVTHarwood Unified Union School DistrictView Details
Vermont Central Office Salary Lookup