What is the salary of a Correction Officer? In the United States, a Correction Officer earns an average salary of $100,481. The salary range for a Correction Officer is usually between $74,962 and $131,354 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $163,495. The highest Correction Officer salary in the United States was $444,519. The average hourly pay for a Correction Officer is $48.31.
Top 3 states paying the highest average Correction Officer salary are New York, with an average salary of $111,384, followed by Massachusetts, with an average salary of $98,185, and New Jersey, with an average salary of $77,997. Employers paying the highest salary for a Correction Officer job are Suffolk (NY), Nassau (NY) and Corrections, Department of (NY).
Employer | Average Salary |
Suffolk, NY | $136,993 |
Nassau, NY | $130,150 |
Corrections, Department of, NY | $124,417 |
Westchester, NY | $119,153 |
Rockland, NY | $113,864 |
Orange, NY | $110,584 |
Department of Corrections, MA | $108,307 |
Putnam, NY | $98,780 |
Onondaga, NY | $92,405 |
Monroe, NY | $91,080 |
Job Title | Average Salary |
Corrections | $49,633 |
Corrections Officer | $60,887 |
Correctional Sergeant | $83,269 |
Corrections Sergeant | $51,555 |
Corrections Lieutenant | $79,588 |
Correctional Lieutenant | $95,494 |
Corrections Captain | $80,024 |
Corrections Corporal | $66,207 |
Correctional Captain | $87,164 |
Corrections Supervisor | $79,371 |
Select a state to view specific salary for Correction Officer and other interesting information
State | Average Salary | Records Number |
Alaska | $60,033 | 1 |
Arkansas | $1,580 | 1 |
Connecticut | $85,180 | 4037 |
Florida | $32,111 | 15 |
Georgia | $26,313 | 1 |
Iowa | $40,176 | 20 |
Indiana | $32,644 | 49 |
Kansas | $52,748 | 60 |
Massachusetts | $98,185 | 4548 |
Michigan | $65,221 | 15 |
Minnesota | $73,130 | 78 |
Missouri | $19,176 | 13 |
North Dakota | $33,098 | 13 |
New Jersey | $77,997 | 535 |
New Mexico | $29,557 | 2 |
New York | $111,384 | 13292 |
Ohio | $64,040 | 7764 |
Oregon | $49,842 | 5 |
Pennsylvania | $53,239 | 114 |
South Dakota | $50,762 | 55 |
Tennessee | $30,820 | 38 |
Texas | $25,091 | 31 |
Virginia | $28,753 | 4 |
Washington | $42,300 | 11 |
Wisconsin | $65,788 | 119 |