Disability Determination Supervisor Salary in Wisconsin

The average Disability Determination Supervisor salary in Wisconsin is $77,333. The salary range for a Disability Determination Supervisor is usually between $75,006 and $77,940 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $82,983. The average hourly pay for a Disability Determination Supervisor is $37.18 per hour.

The employer paying the highest salary for a Disability Determination Supervisor job in Wisconsin is Department of Health Services with an average salary as high as $76,704.

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Wisconsin Disability Determination Supervisor Salary Lookup
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Top Paid Disability Determination Supervisor in Wisconsin

Rhonda Muelling R
Department of Health Services, WI
Rhonda Muelling RWIDepartment of Health ServicesView Details
Donna Kapheim M
Department of Health Services, WI
Donna Kapheim MWIDepartment of Health ServicesView Details
Patricia Bubolz A
Department of Health Services, WI
Patricia Bubolz AWIDepartment of Health ServicesView Details
Cassandra Quinn L
Department of Health Services, WI
Cassandra Quinn LWIDepartment of Health ServicesView Details
Christine Smith M
Department of Health Services, WI
Christine Smith MWIDepartment of Health ServicesView Details
Judi Witterholt C
Department of Health Services, WI
Judi Witterholt CWIDepartment of Health ServicesView Details
Christina Zoschke
Department of Health Services, WI
Christina ZoschkeWIDepartment of Health ServicesView Details
Brenda Posthuma L
Department of Health Services, WI
Brenda Posthuma LWIDepartment of Health ServicesView Details
Heather Pearson S
Department of Health Services, WI
Heather Pearson SWIDepartment of Health ServicesView Details
Tara Heimerl L
Department of Health Services, WI
Tara Heimerl LWIDepartment of Health ServicesView Details
Christina Zoschke
Department of Health Services, WI
Christina ZoschkeWIDepartment of Health ServicesView Details
Lindsay Tjugum B
Department of Health Services, WI
Lindsay Tjugum BWIDepartment of Health ServicesView Details
Pearson Heather S
Department of Health Services, WI
Pearson Heather SWIDepartment of Health ServicesView Details
Lindsay Tjugum B
Department of Health Services, WI
Lindsay Tjugum BWIDepartment of Health ServicesView Details
Kathleen Gray M
Department of Health Services, WI
Kathleen Gray MWIDepartment of Health ServicesView Details
Donna Kapheim M
Department of Health Services, WI
Donna Kapheim MWIDepartment of Health ServicesView Details
Charlene Doering K
Department of Health Services, WI
Charlene Doering KWIDepartment of Health ServicesView Details
John Stillmank
Department of Health Services, WI
John StillmankWIDepartment of Health ServicesView Details
Donna Kapheim M
Department of Health Services, WI
Donna Kapheim MWIDepartment of Health ServicesView Details
Christina Zoschke
Department of Health Services, WI
Christina ZoschkeWIDepartment of Health ServicesView Details
Wisconsin Disability Determination Supervisor Salary Lookup