Disease Intervention Specialist Salary in Alaska

The average Disease Intervention Specialist salary in Alaska is $67,485. The salary range for a Disease Intervention Specialist is usually between $42,511 and $79,432 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $83,589. The average hourly pay for a Disease Intervention Specialist is $32.44 per hour.

The employer paying the highest salary for a Disease Intervention Specialist job in Alaska is Alaska Department of Health and Social Services with an average salary as high as $60,395.

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Alaska Disease Intervention Specialist Salary Lookup
Average Salary
Records Number
Employers Number
Job Pay Rank

Top Paying Employers for Disease Intervention Specialist Jobs

EmployerAverage Salary
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK$60,395

Disease Intervention Specialist Salary in States

Select a state to view specific salary for Disease Intervention Specialist and other interesting information

StateAverage SalaryRecords Number
Rhode Island$59,93415

Top Paid Disease Intervention Specialist in Alaska

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Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Tomas Hernandez TAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Tomas Hernandez T
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Tomas Hernandez TAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Derek Monroe
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Derek MonroeAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Tomas Hernandez T
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Tomas Hernandez TAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Tomas Hernandez T
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Tomas Hernandez TAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Nathan Wormington B
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Nathan Wormington BAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Monroe Derek
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Monroe DerekAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Derek Monroe
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Derek MonroeAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Hernandez Tomas T
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Hernandez Tomas TAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Hannah Guzzi J
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Hannah Guzzi JAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Nathan Wormington B
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Nathan Wormington BAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Smith Tracy L
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Smith Tracy LAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Mahelet Amare M
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Mahelet Amare MAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Mahelet Amare M
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Mahelet Amare MAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Cacelia McBeth A
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Cacelia McBeth AAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Mahelet Amare M
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Mahelet Amare MAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Aquino Yesmarie Castillo M
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Aquino Yesmarie Castillo MAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Mahelet Amare M
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Mahelet Amare MAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Cacelia McBeth A
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Cacelia McBeth AAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Amare Mahelet M
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, AK
Amare Mahelet MAKAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesView Details
Alaska Disease Intervention Specialist Salary Lookup