Financial Examiner Salary in Vermont

The average Financial Examiner salary in Vermont is $45,893. The salary range for a Financial Examiner is usually between $34,331 and $67,520 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $80,159. The average hourly pay for a Financial Examiner is $22.06 per hour.

The employer paying the highest salary for a Financial Examiner job in Vermont is Vermont Financial Regulation Department with an average salary as high as $48,849.

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Vermont Financial Examiner Salary Lookup
Average Salary
Records Number
Employers Number
Job Pay Rank

Top Paying Employers for Financial Examiner Jobs

EmployerAverage Salary
Vermont Financial Regulation Department, VT$48,849

Financial Examiner Salary in States

Select a state to view specific salary for Financial Examiner and other interesting information

StateAverage SalaryRecords Number
District of Columbia$105,3822
New Hampshire$69,03923
New Jersey$85,45235

Top Paid Financial Examiner in Vermont

Mary Andes J
Vermont Financial Regulation Department, VT
Mary Andes JVTVermont Financial Regulation DepartmentView Details
Mary Andes J
Vermont Financial Regulation Department, VT
Mary Andes JVTVermont Financial Regulation DepartmentView Details
Eric Gagnon
Vermont Financial Regulation Department, VT
Eric GagnonVTVermont Financial Regulation DepartmentView Details
Suzanne Roberts L
Vermont Financial Regulation Department, VT
Suzanne Roberts LVTVermont Financial Regulation DepartmentView Details
Mary Martin A
Vermont Financial Regulation Department, VT
Mary Martin AVTVermont Financial Regulation DepartmentView Details
Mary Andes J
Vermont Financial Regulation Department, VT
Mary Andes JVTVermont Financial Regulation DepartmentView Details
Alex Barker
Vermont Financial Regulation Department, VT
Alex BarkerVTVermont Financial Regulation DepartmentView Details
Mary Andes J
Vermont Financial Regulation Department, VT
Mary Andes JVTVermont Financial Regulation DepartmentView Details
Tara Rivet N
Vermont Financial Regulation Department, VT
Tara Rivet NVTVermont Financial Regulation DepartmentView Details
Kaycee Severance
Vermont Financial Regulation Department, VT
Kaycee SeveranceVTVermont Financial Regulation DepartmentView Details
Joshua Sumner
Vermont Financial Regulation Department, VT
Joshua SumnerVTVermont Financial Regulation DepartmentView Details
Joshua Sumner
Vermont Financial Regulation Department, VT
Joshua SumnerVTVermont Financial Regulation DepartmentView Details
Mary Andes J
Vermont Financial Regulation Department, VT
Mary Andes JVTVermont Financial Regulation DepartmentView Details
Andes Mary J
Vermont Financial Regulation Department, VT
Andes Mary JVTVermont Financial Regulation DepartmentView Details
Eric Gagnon
Vermont Financial Regulation Department, VT
Eric GagnonVTVermont Financial Regulation DepartmentView Details
Eric Gagnon
Vermont Financial Regulation Department, VT
Eric GagnonVTVermont Financial Regulation DepartmentView Details
Tara Rivet N
Vermont Financial Regulation Department, VT
Tara Rivet NVTVermont Financial Regulation DepartmentView Details
Suzanne Roberts L
Vermont Financial Regulation Department, VT
Suzanne Roberts LVTVermont Financial Regulation DepartmentView Details
Alex Barker
Vermont Financial Regulation Department, VT
Alex BarkerVTVermont Financial Regulation DepartmentView Details
Suzanne Roberts L
Vermont Financial Regulation Department, VT
Suzanne Roberts LVTVermont Financial Regulation DepartmentView Details
Vermont Financial Examiner Salary Lookup