Grant -support Staff Salary in California

The average Grant -support Staff salary in California is $16,352.

The employer paying the highest salary for a Grant -support Staff job in California is ABC Unified with an average salary as high as $16,352.

Are you looking for a specific Grant -support Staff salary?

California Grant -support Staff Salary Lookup
Average Salary
Records Number
Employers Number

Top Paying Employers for Grant -support Staff Jobs

EmployerAverage Salary
ABC Unified, CA$16,352

Grant -support Staff Salary in States

Select a state to view specific salary for Grant -support Staff and other interesting information

StateAverage SalaryRecords Number

Top Paid Grant -support Staff in California

Elizabeth Sue
ABC Unified, CA
Elizabeth SueCAABC UnifiedView Details
Jamie Villa R.
ABC Unified, CA
Jamie Villa R.CAABC UnifiedView Details
Jamie Villa R.
ABC Unified, CA
Jamie Villa R.CAABC UnifiedView Details
Yanneisy Palmerin
ABC Unified, CA
Yanneisy PalmerinCAABC UnifiedView Details
Christina Porter L
ABC Unified, CA
Christina Porter LCAABC UnifiedView Details
Jennifer Gomez
ABC Unified, CA
Jennifer GomezCAABC UnifiedView Details
Kara Haeun Song
ABC Unified, CA
Kara Haeun SongCAABC UnifiedView Details
Kara Haeun Song
ABC Unified, CA
Kara Haeun SongCAABC UnifiedView Details
Nadia Jones C
ABC Unified, CA
Nadia Jones CCAABC UnifiedView Details
California Grant -support Staff Salary Lookup