Instructional Asst Salary in Colorado

The average Instructional Asst salary in Colorado is $15,277. The salary range for an Instructional Asst is usually between $14,985 and $15,592 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $19,011.

The employer paying the highest salary for an Instructional Asst job in Colorado is Charter School of Twin Peaks Academy with an average salary as high as $15,089.

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Colorado Instructional Asst Salary Lookup
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Instructional Asst Salary in States

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StateAverage SalaryRecords Number
New Mexico$15,2843

Top Paid Instructional Asst in Colorado

Mandy Cox
Charter School of Twin Peaks Academy, CO
Mandy CoxCOCharter School of Twin Peaks AcademyView Details
Julie Garrett
Charter School of Twin Peaks Academy, CO
Julie GarrettCOCharter School of Twin Peaks AcademyView Details
Padma Avula
Charter School of Twin Peaks Academy, CO
Padma AvulaCOCharter School of Twin Peaks AcademyView Details
Rosemary Calvert
Charter School of Twin Peaks Academy, CO
Rosemary CalvertCOCharter School of Twin Peaks AcademyView Details
Julia Herren
Charter School of Twin Peaks Academy, CO
Julia HerrenCOCharter School of Twin Peaks AcademyView Details
Rosemary Calvert
Charter School Of Twin Peaks Academy, CO
Rosemary CalvertCOCharter School Of Twin Peaks AcademyView Details
Hope Rothe
Charter School of Twin Peaks Academy, CO
Hope RotheCOCharter School of Twin Peaks AcademyView Details
Reese Genja
Charter School of Twin Peaks Academy, CO
Reese GenjaCOCharter School of Twin Peaks AcademyView Details
Nicol Rodriguez
Charter School of Twin Peaks Academy, CO
Nicol RodriguezCOCharter School of Twin Peaks AcademyView Details
Karen Haffnieter
Charter School of Twin Peaks Academy, CO
Karen HaffnieterCOCharter School of Twin Peaks AcademyView Details
Sarah Lamutt
Charter School of Twin Peaks Academy, CO
Sarah LamuttCOCharter School of Twin Peaks AcademyView Details
Trenton Boen
Charter School of Twin Peaks Academy, CO
Trenton BoenCOCharter School of Twin Peaks AcademyView Details
Colorado Instructional Asst Salary Lookup