Instructional Technology Technician Salary in Colorado

The average Instructional Technology Technician salary in Colorado is $43,012. The salary range for an Instructional Technology Technician is usually between $39,943 and $47,274 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $49,469. The average hourly pay for an Instructional Technology Technician is $20.68 per hour.

The employer paying the highest salary for an Instructional Technology Technician job in Colorado is School District 27J with an average salary as high as $43,404.

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Colorado Instructional Technology Technician Salary Lookup
Average Salary
Records Number
Employers Number
Job Pay Rank

Top Paying Employers for Instructional Technology Technician Jobs

EmployerAverage Salary
School District 27J, CO$43,404

Instructional Technology Technician Salary in States

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Instructional Technology Technician Salary in Cities

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Top Paid Instructional Technology Technician in Colorado

Jamece Marie Sanders
School District 27J, CO
Jamece Marie SandersCOSchool District 27JView Details
Veronica Esparsen A
School District 27J, CO
Veronica Esparsen ACOSchool District 27JView Details
Denene Marie Shivley
School District 27J, CO
Denene Marie ShivleyCOSchool District 27JView Details
Jamece Marie Sanders
School District 27J, CO
Jamece Marie SandersCOSchool District 27JView Details
Veronica Esparsen A
School District 27J, CO
Veronica Esparsen ACOSchool District 27JView Details
Denene Marie Shivley
School District 27J, CO
Denene Marie ShivleyCOSchool District 27JView Details
Susan Cheryl Neef
School District 27J, CO
Susan Cheryl NeefCOSchool District 27JView Details
Adrienne Vita Campbell
School District 27J, CO
Adrienne Vita CampbellCOSchool District 27JView Details
Brooke Milinazzo A
School District 27J, CO
Brooke Milinazzo ACOSchool District 27JView Details
Michelle Lee Lott
School District 27J, CO
Michelle Lee LottCOSchool District 27JView Details
Michelle Lee Lott
School District 27J, CO
Michelle Lee LottCOSchool District 27JView Details
Erica Toureau S
School District 27J, CO
Erica Toureau SCOSchool District 27JView Details
Adrienne Vita Campbell
School District 27J, CO
Adrienne Vita CampbellCOSchool District 27JView Details
Alondra Alvarado G
School District 27J, CO
Alondra Alvarado GCOSchool District 27JView Details
Susan Cheryl Neef
School District 27J, CO
Susan Cheryl NeefCOSchool District 27JView Details
Esmeralda Leezet Vazquez
School District 27J, CO
Esmeralda Leezet VazquezCOSchool District 27JView Details
Vanessa Valdez
School District 27J, CO
Vanessa ValdezCOSchool District 27JView Details
Brooke Milinazzo A
School District 27J, CO
Brooke Milinazzo ACOSchool District 27JView Details
Alondra Alvarado G
School District 27J, CO
Alondra Alvarado GCOSchool District 27JView Details
Lydia Patterson B
School District 27J, CO
Lydia Patterson BCOSchool District 27JView Details
Colorado Instructional Technology Technician Salary Lookup