Investigative Officer Salary in Ohio

The average Investigative Officer salary in Ohio is $42,363. The salary range for an Investigative Officer is usually between $36,337 and $44,005 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $44,423. The average hourly pay for an Investigative Officer is $20.37 per hour.

The employer paying the highest salary for an Investigative Officer job in Ohio is Warren County with an average salary as high as $40,948.

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Ohio Investigative Officer Salary Lookup
Average Salary
Records Number
Employers Number
Job Pay Rank

Top Paying Employers for Investigative Officer Jobs

EmployerAverage Salary
Warren County, OH$40,948

Investigative Officer Salary in States

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StateAverage SalaryRecords Number
New York$59,13414

Investigative Officer Salary in Cities

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City NameStateRecords NumberAverage Salary

Top Paid Investigative Officer in Ohio

Nicole Craft R
Warren County, OH
Nicole Craft ROHWarren CountyView Details
Christopher Lee R
Warren County, OH
Christopher Lee ROHWarren CountyView Details
Haley Humerick R
Warren County, OH
Haley Humerick ROHWarren CountyView Details
Haley Humerick R
Warren County, OH
Haley Humerick ROHWarren CountyView Details
Nicole Craft R
Warren County, OH
Nicole Craft ROHWarren CountyView Details
Christopher Lee R
Warren County, OH
Christopher Lee ROHWarren CountyView Details
Karoline Kehl R
Warren County, OH
Karoline Kehl ROHWarren CountyView Details
Karoline Kehl R
Warren County, OH
Karoline Kehl ROHWarren CountyView Details
Nickles Alisonn R
Warren County, OH
Nickles Alisonn ROHWarren CountyView Details
Shelby Haberthier I
Warren County, OH
Shelby Haberthier IOHWarren CountyView Details
Shelby Haberthier I
Warren County, OH
Shelby Haberthier IOHWarren CountyView Details
Nickles Alisonn R
Warren County, OH
Nickles Alisonn ROHWarren CountyView Details
Ohio Investigative Officer Salary Lookup