Legislative Employee Salary in Iowa

The average Legislative Employee salary in Iowa is $67,404. The salary range for a Legislative Employee is usually between $37,789 and $97,534 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $134,391. The average hourly pay for a Legislative Employee is $32.41 per hour.

The employer paying the highest salary for a Legislative Employee job in Iowa is Iowa Legislative with an average salary as high as $71,576.

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Iowa Legislative Employee Salary Lookup
Average Salary
Records Number
Employers Number
Job Pay Rank

Top Paying Employers for Legislative Employee Jobs

EmployerAverage Salary
Iowa Legislative, IA$71,576
Iowa Department of Commerce, IA$39,453
Iowa Department of Corrections, IA$15,552

Legislative Employee Salary in States

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StateAverage SalaryRecords Number

Top Paid Legislative Employee in Iowa

Meghan Nelson J
Iowa Legislative, IA
Meghan Nelson JIAIowa LegislativeView Details
Jake Friedrichsen D
Iowa Legislative, IA
Jake Friedrichsen DIAIowa LegislativeView Details
Jeffrey Mitchell G
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Jeffrey Mitchell GIAIowa LegislativeView Details
Anna Hyatt M
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Anna Hyatt MIAIowa LegislativeView Details
Dwayne Fiihr D Jr
Iowa Legislative, IA
Dwayne Fiihr D JrIAIowa LegislativeView Details
Mark Willemssen L
Iowa Legislative, IA
Mark Willemssen LIAIowa LegislativeView Details
Meghan Nelson J
Iowa Legislative, IA
Meghan Nelson JIAIowa LegislativeView Details
Nelson Meghan Jvw
Iowa Legislative, IA
Nelson Meghan JvwIAIowa LegislativeView Details
Carmine Boal R
Iowa Legislative, IA
Carmine Boal RIAIowa LegislativeView Details
Jeffrey Mitchell G
Iowa Legislative, IA
Jeffrey Mitchell GIAIowa LegislativeView Details
Dwayne Fiihr D Jr
Iowa Legislative, IA
Dwayne Fiihr D JrIAIowa LegislativeView Details
Mark Willemssen L
Iowa Legislative, IA
Mark Willemssen LIAIowa LegislativeView Details
Jeffrey Mitchell G
Iowa Legislative, IA
Jeffrey Mitchell GIAIowa LegislativeView Details
Dwayne Dean Fiihr Jr
Iowa Legislative, IA
Dwayne Dean Fiihr JrIAIowa LegislativeView Details
Mark Willemssen L
Iowa Legislative, IA
Mark Willemssen LIAIowa LegislativeView Details
Joseph Romano P
Iowa Legislative, IA
Joseph Romano PIAIowa LegislativeView Details
Bradley Trow A
Iowa Legislative, IA
Bradley Trow AIAIowa LegislativeView Details
Mitchell Jeffrey G
Iowa Legislative, IA
Mitchell Jeffrey GIAIowa LegislativeView Details
Romano Joseph P
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Romano Joseph PIAIowa LegislativeView Details
Mark Willemssen L
Iowa Legislative, IA
Mark Willemssen LIAIowa LegislativeView Details
Iowa Legislative Employee Salary Lookup