Maintenance Clerk Salary in Massachusetts

The average Maintenance Clerk salary in Massachusetts is $112,294. The salary range for a Maintenance Clerk is usually between $108,043 and $130,057 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $143,932. The average hourly pay for a Maintenance Clerk is $53.99 per hour.

The employer paying the highest salary for a Maintenance Clerk job in Massachusetts is Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority with an average salary as high as $117,113.

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Massachusetts Maintenance Clerk Salary Lookup
Average Salary
Records Number
Employers Number
Job Pay Rank

Top Paying Employers for Maintenance Clerk Jobs

EmployerAverage Salary
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, MA$117,113

Maintenance Clerk Salary in States

Select a state to view specific salary for Maintenance Clerk and other interesting information

StateAverage SalaryRecords Number
New Jersey$23,9611
New York$59,44617

Top Paid Maintenance Clerk in Massachusetts

William Riley
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, MA
William RileyMAMassachusetts Bay Transportation AuthorityView Details
Eleanor Nelson
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, MA
Eleanor NelsonMAMassachusetts Bay Transportation AuthorityView Details
Shani Johnson
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, MA
Shani JohnsonMAMassachusetts Bay Transportation AuthorityView Details
Eleanor Nelson
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, MA
Eleanor NelsonMAMassachusetts Bay Transportation AuthorityView Details
Shani Johnson
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, MA
Shani JohnsonMAMassachusetts Bay Transportation AuthorityView Details
George Trongone
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, MA
George TrongoneMAMassachusetts Bay Transportation AuthorityView Details
George Trongone
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, MA
George TrongoneMAMassachusetts Bay Transportation AuthorityView Details
Nelson Eleanor
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, MA
Nelson EleanorMAMassachusetts Bay Transportation AuthorityView Details
Eleanor Nelson
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, MA
Eleanor NelsonMAMassachusetts Bay Transportation AuthorityView Details
Eleanor Nelson
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (Mbt), MA
Eleanor NelsonMAMassachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (Mbt)View Details
Shani Johnson
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, MA
Shani JohnsonMAMassachusetts Bay Transportation AuthorityView Details
William Riley
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, MA
William RileyMAMassachusetts Bay Transportation AuthorityView Details
Shani Johnson
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, MA
Shani JohnsonMAMassachusetts Bay Transportation AuthorityView Details
Jason Provencher
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, MA
Jason ProvencherMAMassachusetts Bay Transportation AuthorityView Details
Alice Pellegrini
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, MA
Alice PellegriniMAMassachusetts Bay Transportation AuthorityView Details
Shani Johnson
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, MA
Shani JohnsonMAMassachusetts Bay Transportation AuthorityView Details
Johnson Shani
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, MA
Johnson ShaniMAMassachusetts Bay Transportation AuthorityView Details
Eleanor Nelson
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, MA
Eleanor NelsonMAMassachusetts Bay Transportation AuthorityView Details
William Riley
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, MA
William RileyMAMassachusetts Bay Transportation AuthorityView Details
Eleanor Nelson
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, MA
Eleanor NelsonMAMassachusetts Bay Transportation AuthorityView Details
Massachusetts Maintenance Clerk Salary Lookup