Maintenance Master Mechanic Salary in West Virginia

The average Maintenance Master Mechanic salary in West Virginia is $54,289. The average hourly pay for a Maintenance Master Mechanic is $26.10 per hour.

The employer paying the highest salary for a Maintenance Master Mechanic job in West Virginia is City of Morgantown with an average salary as high as $54,288.

Are you looking for a specific Maintenance Master Mechanic salary?

West Virginia Maintenance Master Mechanic Salary Lookup
Average Salary
Records Number
Employers Number
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Top Paying Employers for Maintenance Master Mechanic Jobs

EmployerAverage Salary
City of Morgantown, WV$54,288
Morgantown Employees Retirement and Benefit Fund, WV$54,288

Maintenance Master Mechanic Salary in States

Select a state to view specific salary for Maintenance Master Mechanic and other interesting information

StateAverage SalaryRecords Number
West Virginia$54,2892

Top Paid Maintenance Master Mechanic in West Virginia

Derrick Reynolds A
City of Morgantown, WV
Derrick Reynolds AWVCity of MorgantownView Details
Derrick Reynolds A
Morgantown Employees Retirement and Benefit Fund, WV
Derrick Reynolds AWVMorgantown Employees Retirement and Benefit FundView Details
West Virginia Maintenance Master Mechanic Salary Lookup