Motor Vehicle Operator Salary in New York

The average Motor Vehicle Operator salary in New York is $51,203. The salary range for a Motor Vehicle Operator is usually between $40,860 and $62,480 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $238,821. The average hourly pay for a Motor Vehicle Operator is $24.62 per hour.

What are Top Paying Cities and Employers for Motor Vehicle Operator Jobs in New York

The employer paying the highest salary for a Motor Vehicle Operator job in New York is Children's SVCS, Admin for with an average salary as high as $72,552. Top 3 cities paying the highest average Motor Vehicle Operator salary in New York are Buffalo, with an average salary of $34,448, followed by Albany, with an average salary of $33,271, and New York, with an average salary of $37,747.

Are you looking for a specific Motor Vehicle Operator salary?

New York Motor Vehicle Operator Salary Lookup
Average Salary
Records Number
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Motor Vehicle Operator Salary in States

Select a state to view specific salary for Motor Vehicle Operator and other interesting information

StateAverage SalaryRecords Number
District of Columbia$47,962913
New Jersey$46,81067
New York$51,855744

Motor Vehicle Operator Salary in Cities

Select a city to view specific salary for Motor Vehicle Operator in this city

City NameStateRecords NumberAverage Salary
New YorkNY12$37,747
Staten IslandNY11$42,047

Top Paid Motor Vehicle Operator in New York

Renaud Chery
Municipal Authorities, NY
Renaud Chery NYMunicipal AuthoritiesView Details
Hasan Can
Municipal Authorities, NY
Hasan Can NYMunicipal AuthoritiesView Details
Mahmood Saidul I
Children's SVCS, Admin for, NY
Mahmood Saidul INYChildren's SVCS, Admin forView Details
Tamir Clarke
Health/Mental Hygiene, Department of, NY
Tamir Clarke NYHealth/Mental Hygiene, Department ofView Details
Mohamed Uddin F
Admin For Children's Svcs, NY
Mohamed Uddin FNYAdmin For Children's SvcsView Details
Mohamed Uddin F
Children's SVCS, Admin for, NY
Mohamed Uddin FNYChildren's SVCS, Admin forView Details
Marc Jones D
Children's SVCS, Admin for, NY
Marc Jones DNYChildren's SVCS, Admin forView Details
Mohamed Uddin F
Children's SVCS, Admin for, NY
Mohamed Uddin FNYChildren's SVCS, Admin forView Details
Tramaine Kinard T
Children's SVCS, Admin for, NY
Tramaine Kinard TNYChildren's SVCS, Admin forView Details
John Roseboro T
Homeless Services, Department of, NY
John Roseboro TNYHomeless Services, Department ofView Details
Mohamed Uddin F
Children's SVCS, Admin for, NY
Mohamed Uddin FNYChildren's SVCS, Admin forView Details
Mohamed Uddin F
Children's SVCS, Admin for, NY
Mohamed Uddin FNYChildren's SVCS, Admin forView Details
Ulric Cumberbatch
Health/Mental Hygiene, Department of, NY
Ulric Cumberbatch NYHealth/Mental Hygiene, Department ofView Details
Renaud Chery
Municipal Authorities, NY
Renaud Chery NYMunicipal AuthoritiesView Details
Guillermo Magdaleno F
Municipal Authorities, NY
Guillermo Magdaleno FNYMunicipal AuthoritiesView Details
Marc Jones D
Children's SVCS, Admin for, NY
Marc Jones DNYChildren's SVCS, Admin forView Details
Marc Jones D
Children's SVCS, Admin for, NY
Marc Jones DNYChildren's SVCS, Admin forView Details
Richard Vargas R
Homeless Services, Department of, NY
Richard Vargas RNYHomeless Services, Department ofView Details
Sylvester Shuler
Municipal Authorities, NY
Sylvester Shuler NYMunicipal AuthoritiesView Details
Denver McKenzie
Children's SVCS, Admin for, NY
Denver McKenzie NYChildren's SVCS, Admin forView Details
New York Motor Vehicle Operator Salary Lookup