Professional/Technical Salary in Washington

The average Professional/Technical salary in Washington is $49,750. The salary range for a Professional/Technical is usually between $37,700 and $59,300 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $72,300. The average hourly pay for a Professional/Technical is $23.92 per hour.

The employer paying the highest salary for a Professional/Technical job in Washington is Bates Technical College with an average salary as high as $48,161.

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Washington Professional/Technical Salary Lookup
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Records Number
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Top Paying Employers for Professional/Technical Jobs

EmployerAverage Salary
Bates Technical College, WA$48,161

Professional/Technical Salary in States

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Top Paid Professional/Technical in Washington

Charlotte Mcelvain
Bates Technical College, WA
Charlotte McelvainWABates Technical CollegeView Details
Charlotte Mcelvain
Bates Technical College, WA
Charlotte McelvainWABates Technical CollegeView Details
Debra O'ravez
Bates Technical College, WA
Debra O'ravezWABates Technical CollegeView Details
Chelsea Lindquist
Bates Technical College, WA
Chelsea LindquistWABates Technical CollegeView Details
Kevin Loveland
Bates Technical College, WA
Kevin LovelandWABates Technical CollegeView Details
Charlotte Mcelvain
Bates Technical College, WA
Charlotte McelvainWABates Technical CollegeView Details
Charlotte McElvain
Bates Technical College, WA
Charlotte McElvainWABates Technical CollegeView Details
Dan Moxon
Bates Technical College, WA
Dan MoxonWABates Technical CollegeView Details
Kevin Loveland
Bates Technical College, WA
Kevin LovelandWABates Technical CollegeView Details
Kathleen Laurente
Bates Technical College, WA
Kathleen LaurenteWABates Technical CollegeView Details
Kevin Loveland
Bates Technical College, WA
Kevin LovelandWABates Technical CollegeView Details
Dan Moxon
Bates Technical College, WA
Dan MoxonWABates Technical CollegeView Details
Moxon Dan
Bates Technical College, WA
Moxon DanWABates Technical CollegeView Details
Shirley Bell
Bates Technical College, WA
Shirley BellWABates Technical CollegeView Details
Chelsea Lindquist
Bates Technical College, WA
Chelsea LindquistWABates Technical CollegeView Details
Dan Moxon
Bates Technical College, WA
Dan MoxonWABates Technical CollegeView Details
Kevin Loveland
Bates Technical College, WA
Kevin LovelandWABates Technical CollegeView Details
Debra O'ravez
Bates Technical College, WA
Debra O'ravezWABates Technical CollegeView Details
Shirley Bell
Bates Technical College, WA
Shirley BellWABates Technical CollegeView Details
Chapman Shondea
Bates Technical College, WA
Chapman ShondeaWABates Technical CollegeView Details
Washington Professional/Technical Salary Lookup