Project Architect Salary in New York

The average Project Architect salary in New York is $127,796. The salary range for a Project Architect is usually between $127,442 and $128,043 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $131,401. The average hourly pay for a Project Architect is $61.44 per hour.

The employer paying the highest salary for a Project Architect job in New York is Metropolitan Transit Authority with an average salary as high as $126,546.

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New York Project Architect Salary Lookup
Average Salary
Records Number
Employers Number
Job Pay Rank

Top Paying Employers for Project Architect Jobs

EmployerAverage Salary
Metropolitan Transit Authority, NY$126,546

Project Architect Salary in States

Select a state to view specific salary for Project Architect and other interesting information

StateAverage SalaryRecords Number
New Jersey$50,4241
New York$126,5476
South Dakota$75,3371

Top Paid Project Architect in New York

Jose Antonio Columna
Metropolitan Transit Authority, NY
Jose Antonio Columna NYMetropolitan Transit AuthorityView Details
Jose Antonio Columna
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Jose Antonio Columna NYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Jason Tax
Metropolitan Transit Authority, NY
Jason Tax NYMetropolitan Transit AuthorityView Details
John Gorman J
Metropolitan Transit Authority, NY
John Gorman JNYMetropolitan Transit AuthorityView Details
John Zafiropoulos G
Metropolitan Transit Authority, NY
John Zafiropoulos GNYMetropolitan Transit AuthorityView Details
Arun Wadia A
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Arun Wadia ANYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Jason Fisher M
Metropolitan Transit Authority, NY
Jason Fisher MNYMetropolitan Transit AuthorityView Details
Jason Tax
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Jason Tax NYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
John Gorman J
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
John Gorman JNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Jose Antonio Columna
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Jose Antonio Columna NYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Jason Fisher M
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Jason Fisher MNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
John Zafiropoulos G
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
John Zafiropoulos GNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Arun Wadia A
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Arun Wadia ANYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Jason Tax
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Jason Tax NYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
John Gorman J
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
John Gorman JNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Mario Giuria
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Mario Giuria NYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Arun Wadia A
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Arun Wadia ANYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Jason Fisher M
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Jason Fisher MNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Arun Wadia A
Metropolitan Transit Authority, NY
Arun Wadia ANYMetropolitan Transit AuthorityView Details
John Zafiropoulos G
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
John Zafiropoulos GNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
New York Project Architect Salary Lookup