Rehabilitation Assistant Salary in New York

The average Rehabilitation Assistant salary in New York is $63,444. The salary range for a Rehabilitation Assistant is usually between $57,487 and $70,520 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $160,409. The average hourly pay for a Rehabilitation Assistant is $30.50 per hour.

What are Top Paying Cities and Employers for Rehabilitation Assistant Jobs in New York

The employer paying the highest salary for a Rehabilitation Assistant job in New York is Office for People With Developmental Disabilities with an average salary as high as $68,509. Top 3 cities paying the highest average Rehabilitation Assistant salary in New York are New York, with an average salary of $53,144, followed by Buffalo, with an average salary of $55,823, and Fine, with an average salary of $50,089.

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New York Rehabilitation Assistant Salary Lookup
Average Salary
Records Number
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Rehabilitation Assistant Salary in States

Select a state to view specific salary for Rehabilitation Assistant and other interesting information

StateAverage SalaryRecords Number
District of Columbia$52,22210
New York$65,912174

Rehabilitation Assistant Salary in Cities

Select a city to view specific salary for Rehabilitation Assistant in this city

City NameStateRecords NumberAverage Salary
New YorkNY17$53,144
Staten IslandNY6$50,335

Top Paid Rehabilitation Assistant in New York

Sophia Stewart M
Office for People With Developmental Disabilities, NY
Sophia Stewart MNYOffice for People With Developmental DisabilitiesView Details
Sandy McNeal
Mental Health, NY
Sandy McNeal NYMental HealthView Details
David Daniels C
Bernard Fineson Dev. Center, NY
David Daniels CNYBernard Fineson Dev. CenterView Details
Tamara Hall L
Office for People With Developmental Disabilities, NY
Tamara Hall LNYOffice for People With Developmental DisabilitiesView Details
Sophia Stewart M
Office for People With Developmental Disabilities, NY
Sophia Stewart MNYOffice for People With Developmental DisabilitiesView Details
Jaimie Hauptmann L
Office for People With Developmental Disabilities, NY
Jaimie Hauptmann LNYOffice for People With Developmental DisabilitiesView Details
Sharon Gray
Manhattan Psychiatric Center, NY
Sharon GrayNYManhattan Psychiatric CenterView Details
Sharon Gray
Manhattan Psychiatric Center, NY
Sharon GrayNYManhattan Psychiatric CenterView Details
Heather Reynolds M
Office for People With Developmental Disabilities, NY
Heather Reynolds MNYOffice for People With Developmental DisabilitiesView Details
Kelly Melnick E
Mental Health, NY
Kelly Melnick ENYMental HealthView Details
Althea Wilson
Mental Health, NY
Althea Wilson NYMental HealthView Details
Keshabananda Acharjee
Mental Health, NY
Keshabananda Acharjee NYMental HealthView Details
David Negron J
Manhattan Psychiatric Center, NY
David Negron JNYManhattan Psychiatric CenterView Details
David Negron J
Manhattan Psychiatric Center, NY
David Negron JNYManhattan Psychiatric CenterView Details
Sharon Gray
Mental Health, NY
Sharon Gray NYMental HealthView Details
Harold Simmons Jr
Mental Health, NY
Harold Simmons JrNYMental HealthView Details
Pamela Postell D
Mental Health, NY
Pamela Postell DNYMental HealthView Details
Rabindra Budhu V
Mental Health, NY
Rabindra Budhu VNYMental HealthView Details
Lydia Velez
Mental Health, NY
Lydia Velez NYMental HealthView Details
Althea Wilson
Mental Health, NY
Althea Wilson NYMental HealthView Details
New York Rehabilitation Assistant Salary Lookup