Revenue Operations Supervisor Salary in California

The average Revenue Operations Supervisor salary in California is $158,076. The salary range for a Revenue Operations Supervisor is usually between $106,316 and $223,592 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $235,985. The average hourly pay for a Revenue Operations Supervisor is $76.00 per hour.

The employer paying the highest salary for a Revenue Operations Supervisor job in California is Oakland with an average salary as high as $182,717.

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California Revenue Operations Supervisor Salary Lookup
Average Salary
Records Number
Employers Number
Job Pay Rank

Top Paying Employers for Revenue Operations Supervisor Jobs

EmployerAverage Salary
Oakland, CA$182,717
Pittsburg, CA$166,107
Santa Rosa, CA$148,824
Pomona, CA$118,799
Thousand Oaks, CA$65,880

Similar Jobs

Job TitleAverage Salary
Revenue Manager$116,616
Revenue Supervisor$83,160
Revenue Auditor$70,800
Revenue Specialist$37,895
Revenue Analyst$69,001
Revenue Collector$33,743
Revenue Agent$50,450
Revenue Officer$54,745
Revenue Accountant$59,306
Revenue Clerk$42,966

Revenue Operations Supervisor Salary in States

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Revenue Operations Supervisor Salary in Cities

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