Seasonal Parks Technician Salary in Kansas

In Kansas, a Seasonal Parks Technician earns an average $130 per hour.

The employer paying the highest salary for a Seasonal Parks Technician job in Kansas is City of Augusta with an average salary as high as $130.

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Kansas Seasonal Parks Technician Salary Lookup
Average Salary
Records Number
Employers Number

Top Paying Employers for Seasonal Parks Technician Jobs

EmployerAverage Salary
City of Augusta, KS$130

Seasonal Parks Technician Salary in States

Select a state to view specific salary for Seasonal Parks Technician and other interesting information

StateAverage SalaryRecords Number

Top Paid Seasonal Parks Technician in Kansas

Brenton Alfaro
City of Augusta, KS
Brenton AlfaroKSCity of AugustaView Details
Brenton Alfaro M
City of Augusta, KS
Brenton Alfaro MKSCity of AugustaView Details
Gean Jeff S
City of Augusta, KS
Gean Jeff SKSCity of AugustaView Details
Alexander Clausing J
City of Augusta, KS
Alexander Clausing JKSCity of AugustaView Details
Jeff Gean
City of Augusta, KS
Jeff GeanKSCity of AugustaView Details
Kansas Seasonal Parks Technician Salary Lookup