Youth Counselor Salary in Nebraska

The average Youth Counselor salary in Nebraska is $46,399. The salary range for a Youth Counselor is usually between $45,486 and $46,436 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $60,701. The average hourly pay for a Youth Counselor is $22.31 per hour.

The employer paying the highest salary for a Youth Counselor job in Nebraska is Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services with an average salary as high as $47,742.

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Nebraska Youth Counselor Salary Lookup
Average Salary
Records Number
Employers Number
Job Pay Rank

Top Paying Employers for Youth Counselor Jobs

EmployerAverage Salary
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE$47,742

Youth Counselor Salary in States

Select a state to view specific salary for Youth Counselor and other interesting information

StateAverage SalaryRecords Number
District of Columbia$55,9101
New Hampshire$34,36675
New Jersey$1,0881
New York$88,148244

Top Paid Youth Counselor in Nebraska

Marvin Carr E
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Marvin Carr ENENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Marvin Carr E
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Marvin Carr ENENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Christopher Hansen A
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Christopher Hansen ANENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Jena Gregory A
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Jena Gregory ANENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Luke Molzer
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Luke MolzerNENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Ralph Healey G III
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Ralph Healey G IIINENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Jena Gregory A
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Jena Gregory ANENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Michelle Schamens S
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Michelle Schamens SNENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Jacob Vega M
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Jacob Vega MNENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Keith Scheidies W
Health & Human Services - Agency 25, NE
Keith Scheidies WNEHealth & Human Services - Agency 25View Details
Emma Blair
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Emma BlairNENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Jane Beethe S
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Jane Beethe SNENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Gabrielle Robinson G
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Gabrielle Robinson GNENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
January Taylor King
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
January Taylor KingNENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Cole Ryan Preister
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Cole Ryan PreisterNENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Dmitriy Shevtsov A
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Dmitriy Shevtsov ANENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Keith Scheidies W
Health & Human Services - Agency 25, NE
Keith Scheidies WNEHealth & Human Services - Agency 25View Details
Marvin Carr E
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Marvin Carr ENENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Jane Beethe S
Health & Human Services - Agency 25, NE
Jane Beethe SNEHealth & Human Services - Agency 25View Details
Gabrielle Robinson G
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Gabrielle Robinson GNENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Nebraska Youth Counselor Salary Lookup