Jesse Long L has 138 Salary Records

There are 138 salary records for Jesse Long L with 35 different job titles from 44 employers across 23 states.

NameStateYearJob TitleEmployer
Jesse Long
UT2022Department of Government OperationsN/A$110,896
Jesse LongUT2022 N/A Department of Government OperationsView Salary & Details
Long Jesse
UT2019Utah Judicial BranchN/A$108,317
Long JesseUT2019 N/A Utah Judicial BranchView Salary & Details
Jesse Long
OR2023City of PortlandEngineering Technician$105,781
Jesse LongOR2023 Engineering Technician City of PortlandView Salary & Details
Jesse Long
OR2022City of PortlandEngineering Technician$104,888
Jesse LongOR2022 Engineering Technician City of PortlandView Salary & Details
Jesse Long
OR2021City of PortlandEngineering Technician$100,320
Jesse LongOR2021 Engineering Technician City of PortlandView Salary & Details
Jesse Long
OR2020City of PortlandEngineering Technician$99,745
Jesse LongOR2020 Engineering Technician City of PortlandView Salary & Details
Jesse Long
UT2023Department of Government OperationsTelecommunications Specialist$94,438
Jesse LongUT2023 Telecommunications Specialist Department of Government OperationsView Salary & Details
Long Jesse Iii R
CT2015Department Of CorrectionCorrection Officer$93,875
Long Jesse Iii RCT2015 Correction Officer Department Of CorrectionView Salary & Details
Jesse Long L Jr
VA2023Arlington CountyEligibility Worker$93,848
Jesse Long L JrVA2023 Eligibility Worker Arlington CountyView Salary & Details
Long Jesse
OR2019City of PortlandN/A$92,548
Long JesseOR2019 N/A City of PortlandView Salary & Details
Jesse Long L Jr
VA2022Arlington CountyEligibility Worker$86,092
Jesse Long L JrVA2022 Eligibility Worker Arlington CountyView Salary & Details
Jesse Long
OR2017City of PortlandEngineering Technician$83,502
Jesse LongOR2017 Engineering Technician City of PortlandView Salary & Details
Jesse Long L Jr
VA2021Arlington CountyEligibility Worker$83,002
Jesse Long L JrVA2021 Eligibility Worker Arlington CountyView Salary & Details
Jesse Long A
WA2021City of SpokaneStreet Maintenance Operator$73,674
Jesse Long AWA2021 Street Maintenance Operator City of SpokaneView Salary & Details
Long Jesse Jr
VA2019Arlington CountyEligibility Worker$70,970
Long Jesse JrVA2019 Eligibility Worker Arlington CountyView Salary & Details
Jesse Long L Jr
VA2018County Of ArlingtonEligibility Worker$68,723
Jesse Long L JrVA2018 Eligibility Worker County Of ArlingtonView Salary & Details
Jesse Long L Jr
VA2017County of ArlingtonEligibility Worker$66,560
Jesse Long L JrVA2017 Eligibility Worker County of ArlingtonView Salary & Details
Jesse Long
OR2015City Of PortlandEngineering Technician$65,894
Jesse LongOR2015 Engineering Technician City Of PortlandView Salary & Details
Jesse Long Jr
VA2016County Of ArlingtonEligibility Worker$64,459
Jesse Long JrVA2016 Eligibility Worker County Of ArlingtonView Salary & Details
Jesse Long
UT2017Judicial BranchN/A$63,264
Jesse LongUT2017 N/A Judicial BranchView Salary & Details
Jesse Long
UT2018Judicial BranchN/A$63,143
Jesse LongUT2018 N/A Judicial BranchView Salary & Details
Jesse Long Jr
VA2015County Of ArlingtonEligibility Worker$63,024
Jesse Long JrVA2015 Eligibility Worker County Of ArlingtonView Salary & Details
Long E E
OK2017Department Of CorrectionsN/A$60,890
Long E EOK2017 N/A Department Of CorrectionsView Salary & Details
Jesse Long
OH2022Canton City School DistrictDean Of Students$58,621
Jesse LongOH2022 Dean Of Students Canton City School DistrictView Salary & Details
Jesse Ryan Long
DE2022Indian River School DistrictTch Mid Gen Except Child$57,637
Jesse Ryan LongDE2022 Tch Mid Gen Except Child Indian River School DistrictView Salary & Details
Jesse Long
OH2021Canton City School DistrictTeacher Assignment$51,404
Jesse LongOH2021 Teacher Assignment Canton City School DistrictView Salary & Details
Long Jesse
FL2019Sculptor Charter SchoolN/A$50,962
Long JesseFL2019 N/A Sculptor Charter SchoolView Salary & Details
Jesse Ryan Long
DE2021Indian River School DistrictTch Mid Gen Except Child$49,887
Jesse Ryan LongDE2021 Tch Mid Gen Except Child Indian River School DistrictView Salary & Details
Jesse Long
OH2020Canton City School DistrictTeacher Assignment$47,836
Jesse LongOH2020 Teacher Assignment Canton City School DistrictView Salary & Details
Long Jesse D
WV2019West Virginia Highways DivisionN/A$46,844
Long Jesse DWV2019 N/A West Virginia Highways DivisionView Salary & Details
Jesse Ryan Long
DE2020Indian River School DistrictTch Mid Gen Except Child$45,953
Jesse Ryan LongDE2020 Tch Mid Gen Except Child Indian River School DistrictView Salary & Details
Jesse Long
OH2019AIM Academy at FairmountTutor/Small Group Instructor Assignment$44,786
Jesse LongOH2019 Tutor/Small Group Instructor Assignment AIM Academy at FairmountView Salary & Details
Jesse Long
OH2019Canton City School DistrictTutor/Small Group Instructor Assignment$44,786
Jesse LongOH2019 Tutor/Small Group Instructor Assignment Canton City School DistrictView Salary & Details
Jesse Long D
WV2018Division Of HighwaysN/A$44,392
Jesse Long DWV2018 N/A Division Of HighwaysView Salary & Details
Long Jesse J
KY2019Department of Housing, Buildings and ConstructionPlumbing Inspector$42,656
Long Jesse JKY2019 Plumbing Inspector Department of Housing, Buildings and ConstructionView Salary & Details
Jesse Long J
KY2020Department of Housing, Buildings and ConstructionPlumbing Inspector$42,656
Jesse Long JKY2020 Plumbing Inspector Department of Housing, Buildings and ConstructionView Salary & Details
Jesse Long A
WA2016City Of SpokaneStreet Maintenance Operator$38,748
Jesse Long AWA2016 Street Maintenance Operator City Of SpokaneView Salary & Details
Jesse Long
OH2018Fairless High SchoolTeacher Assignment$36,417
Jesse LongOH2018 Teacher Assignment Fairless High SchoolView Salary & Details
Jesse Long
OH2017Fairless LocalTeacher Assignment$35,703
Jesse LongOH2017 Teacher Assignment Fairless LocalView Salary & Details
Jesse Long
KY2017Dept Of Housing Buildings And ConstPlumbing Inspector$33,645
Jesse LongKY2017 Plumbing Inspector Dept Of Housing Buildings And ConstView Salary & Details
Jesse Long D
WV2017Division Of HighwaysN/A$33,384
Jesse Long DWV2017 N/A Division Of HighwaysView Salary & Details
Jesse Long
KY2016Dept Of Housing Buildings And ConstPlumbing Inspector$32,042
Jesse LongKY2016 Plumbing Inspector Dept Of Housing Buildings And ConstView Salary & Details
Long H R
OK2017Department Of Human ServicesN/A$31,631
Long H ROK2017 N/A Department Of Human ServicesView Salary & Details
Jesse Long
OH2015Fairless LocalTeacher Assignment$31,562
Jesse LongOH2015 Teacher Assignment Fairless LocalView Salary & Details
Jesse Long
OH2016Fairless LocalTeacher Assignment$31,562
Jesse LongOH2016 Teacher Assignment Fairless LocalView Salary & Details
Jesse Long W
TX2022City of GrahamParks Dept$30,750
Jesse Long WTX2022 Parks Dept City of GrahamView Salary & Details
Jesse Long W
TX2021City of GrahamParks Dept$29,827
Jesse Long WTX2021 Parks Dept City of GrahamView Salary & Details
Jesse Long W
TX2020City of GrahamParks Dept$28,954
Jesse Long WTX2020 Parks Dept City of GrahamView Salary & Details
Long Jesse W
TX2019City of GrahamParks Dept$28,517
Long Jesse WTX2019 Parks Dept City of GrahamView Salary & Details
Jesse Long W
TX2018City Of GrahamParks Dept$27,955
Jesse Long WTX2018 Parks Dept City Of GrahamView Salary & Details
Jesse Long W
TX2017City Of GrahamN/A$27,123
Jesse Long WTX2017 N/A City Of GrahamView Salary & Details
Jesse Long A
WA2015City Of SpokaneN/A$21,300
Jesse Long AWA2015 N/A City Of SpokaneView Salary & Details
Jesse Long D
WV2016Division Of HighwaysN/A$12,450
Jesse Long DWV2016 N/A Division Of HighwaysView Salary & Details
Jesse Long
OH2014Fairless LocalInstructional Paraprofessional Assignment$8,098
Jesse LongOH2014 Instructional Paraprofessional Assignment Fairless LocalView Salary & Details
Jesse Long
OH2018Fairless Middle SchoolCoaching Assignment$2,601
Jesse LongOH2018 Coaching Assignment Fairless Middle SchoolView Salary & Details
Jesse Long
OH2017Fairless LocalCoaching Assignment$2,550
Jesse LongOH2017 Coaching Assignment Fairless LocalView Salary & Details
Jesse Long
OH2016Fairless LocalCoaching Assignment$2,525
Jesse LongOH2016 Coaching Assignment Fairless LocalView Salary & Details
Jesse Long
LA2018Charter School Of Jfca - EastTutor$1,779
Jesse LongLA2018 Tutor Charter School Of Jfca - EastView Salary & Details
Long T J
OK2017East Central UniversityN/A$1,181
Long T JOK2017 N/A East Central UniversityView Salary & Details
Long Jesse
IA2019Sioux City Community School DistrictN/A$887
Long JesseIA2019 N/A Sioux City Community School DistrictView Salary & Details