Katherine Greene T has 183 Salary Records

There are 183 salary records for Katherine Greene T with 52 different job titles from 63 employers across 21 states.

NameStateYearJob TitleEmployer
Katherine Greene G
MA2023Acton-Boxborough Regional School DistrictTeacher Music$96,898
Katherine Greene GMA2023 Teacher Music Acton-Boxborough Regional School DistrictView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene E
FD2023DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREAgricultural Engineering$93,875
Katherine Greene EFD2023 Agricultural Engineering DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene A
NY2009Department of LaborUi Accts Suppt Supv$91,609
Katherine Greene ANY2009 Ui Accts Suppt Supv Department of LaborView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene E
FD2022DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREAgricultural Engineering$89,947
Katherine Greene EFD2022 Agricultural Engineering DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene G
MA2022Acton-Boxborough Regional School DistrictTeacher Music$89,617
Katherine Greene GMA2022 Teacher Music Acton-Boxborough Regional School DistrictView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene
CA2019Bakersfield City School DistrictElementary Teacher, . Hrs$88,052
Katherine GreeneCA2019 Elementary Teacher, . Hrs Bakersfield City School DistrictView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene
CA2019Bakersfield CityElementary Teacher, . Hrs$88,052
Katherine GreeneCA2019 Elementary Teacher, . Hrs Bakersfield CityView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene E
FD2021DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREAgricultural Engineering$85,238
Katherine Greene EFD2021 Agricultural Engineering DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene L
CA2016Department Of Education California School For The Deaf FremontTeacher School For The Deaf$85,056
Katherine Greene LCA2016 Teacher School For The Deaf Department Of Education California School For The Deaf FremontView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene E
FD2020DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREAgricultural Engineering$84,394
Katherine Greene EFD2020 Agricultural Engineering DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene L
CA2015Department Of Education California School For The Deaf FremontTeacher School For The Deaf$83,220
Katherine Greene LCA2015 Teacher School For The Deaf Department Of Education California School For The Deaf FremontView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene G
MA2021Acton-Boxborough Regional School DistrictTeacher Music$82,420
Katherine Greene GMA2021 Teacher Music Acton-Boxborough Regional School DistrictView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene E
FD2019DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREAgricultural Engineering$74,687
Katherine Greene EFD2019 Agricultural Engineering DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene E
FD2018DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREAgricultural Engineering$71,422
Katherine Greene EFD2018 Agricultural Engineering DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene E
FD2017DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREAgricultural Engineering$70,243
Katherine Greene EFD2017 Agricultural Engineering DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene E
FD2016DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREAgricultural Engineering$67,145
Katherine Greene EFD2016 Agricultural Engineering DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene
NY2008Department of LaborUi Accts Suppt Supv$65,975
Katherine Greene NY2008 Ui Accts Suppt Supv Department of LaborView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene T
IN2023Ball State UniversityGraduate Assistant$63,485
Katherine Greene TIN2023 Graduate Assistant Ball State UniversityView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene A
NY2010Department of LaborUi Accts Suppt Supv$63,475
Katherine Greene ANY2010 Ui Accts Suppt Supv Department of LaborView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene R
NC2021Cumberland County SchoolsGeneral-Education Professionals$62,643
Katherine Greene RNC2021 General-Education Professionals Cumberland County SchoolsView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene R
NC2022Cumberland County SchoolsEducation Professionals$59,572
Katherine Greene RNC2022 Education Professionals Cumberland County SchoolsView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene R
NC2020Cumberland County SchoolsN/A$53,123
Katherine Greene RNC2020 N/A Cumberland County SchoolsView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene T
IN2022Ball State UniversityAssistant Teaching Professor$53,084
Katherine Greene TIN2022 Assistant Teaching Professor Ball State UniversityView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene T
IN2022Ball State UniversityAssistant Teaching Professor$53,084
Katherine Greene TIN2022 Assistant Teaching Professor Ball State UniversityView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene M
NC2022Ashe County SchoolsEducation Professionals$52,316
Katherine Greene MNC2022 Education Professionals Ashe County SchoolsView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene N
NY2016Cornell UniversityN/A$51,497
Katherine Greene NNY2016 N/A Cornell UniversityView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene T
IN2020Ball State UniversityAssistant Teaching Professor$50,770
Katherine Greene TIN2020 Assistant Teaching Professor Ball State UniversityView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene T
IN2021Ball State UniversityAssistant Teaching Professor$48,775
Katherine Greene TIN2021 Assistant Teaching Professor Ball State UniversityView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene R
NC2017Cumberland County SchoolsEducation Professionals$45,205
Katherine Greene RNC2017 Education Professionals Cumberland County SchoolsView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene
WA2020Central Washington UniversityAcademic Advisor$44,700
Katherine GreeneWA2020 Academic Advisor Central Washington UniversityView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene T
IN2019Ball State UniversityAssistant Teaching Professor$43,181
Katherine Greene TIN2019 Assistant Teaching Professor Ball State UniversityView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene M
NC2020Ashe County SchoolsN/A$42,100
Katherine Greene MNC2020 N/A Ashe County SchoolsView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene
MS2019Department of RevenueDor-Tax Revenue Analyst$40,313
Katherine GreeneMS2019 Dor-Tax Revenue Analyst Department of RevenueView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene A
MS2020Department of RevenueDor-Revenue Specialist$40,313
Katherine Greene AMS2020 Dor-Revenue Specialist Department of RevenueView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene T
IN2018Ball State University (State)Assistant Lecturer$40,100
Katherine Greene TIN2018 Assistant Lecturer Ball State University (State)View Salary & Details
Katherine Greene R
NC2016Cumberland County SchoolsEducation Professionals$40,089
Katherine Greene RNC2016 Education Professionals Cumberland County SchoolsView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene R
NC2015Cumberland County SchoolsEducation Professionals$38,941
Katherine Greene RNC2015 Education Professionals Cumberland County SchoolsView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene M
NC2021Ashe County SchoolsGeneral-Education Professionals$38,850
Katherine Greene MNC2021 General-Education Professionals Ashe County SchoolsView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene M
NC2017Ashe County SchoolsEducation Professionals$38,217
Katherine Greene MNC2017 Education Professionals Ashe County SchoolsView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene M
NC2016Ashe County SchoolsEducation Professionals$36,680
Katherine Greene MNC2016 Education Professionals Ashe County SchoolsView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene M
NC2015Ashe County SchoolsEducation Professionals$35,480
Katherine Greene MNC2015 Education Professionals Ashe County SchoolsView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene N
NY2015Cornell UniversityN/A$33,749
Katherine Greene NNY2015 N/A Cornell UniversityView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene
WA2021Central Washington UniversityAcademic Advisor$28,300
Katherine GreeneWA2021 Academic Advisor Central Washington UniversityView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene T
IN2017Ball State University (State)Graduate Assistant$25,699
Katherine Greene TIN2017 Graduate Assistant Ball State University (State)View Salary & Details
Katherine Greene T
IN2016Ball State UniversityGraduate Assistant$23,637
Katherine Greene TIN2016 Graduate Assistant Ball State UniversityView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene T
IN2015Ball State UniversityGraduate Assistant$23,444
Katherine Greene TIN2015 Graduate Assistant Ball State UniversityView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene T
IN2014Ball State UniversityGraduate Assistant$22,453
Katherine Greene TIN2014 Graduate Assistant Ball State UniversityView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene T
IN2013Ball State UniversityGraduate Assistant$16,069
Katherine Greene TIN2013 Graduate Assistant Ball State UniversityView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene T
IN2012Ball State UniversityGraduate Assistant$15,979
Katherine Greene TIN2012 Graduate Assistant Ball State UniversityView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene A
CA2018Bakersfield City School DistrictN/A$14,807
Katherine Greene ACA2018 N/A Bakersfield City School DistrictView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene R
CA2014California State UniversityInstructional Faculty, Special Programs -For Credit$9,132
Katherine Greene RCA2014 Instructional Faculty, Special Programs -For Credit California State UniversityView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene N
NY2017Cornell UniversityN/A$8,833
Katherine Greene NNY2017 N/A Cornell UniversityView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene A
OH2019Cleveland MetroparksLead Guest Services Associate$4,581
Katherine Greene AOH2019 Lead Guest Services Associate Cleveland MetroparksView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene R
NC2021Cumberland County SchoolsGeneral-Educational Support Personnel$2,000
Katherine Greene RNC2021 General-Educational Support Personnel Cumberland County SchoolsView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene E
CA2014Contra Costa Community College DistrictStudent Worker$1,928
Katherine Greene ECA2014 Student Worker Contra Costa Community College DistrictView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene N
Katherine Greene NGA2012 Substitute Teacher CHEROKEE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATIONView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene A
OH2020Cleveland MetroparksLead Guest Services Associate$1,623
Katherine Greene AOH2020 Lead Guest Services Associate Cleveland MetroparksView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene R
NC2022Cumberland County SchoolsEducational Support Personnel$1,000
Katherine Greene RNC2022 Educational Support Personnel Cumberland County SchoolsView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene
NY2016Court Of AppealsProctor$630
Katherine GreeneNY2016 Proctor Court Of AppealsView Salary & Details
Katherine Greene E
NY2010Bolton Central SchoolsN/A$81
Katherine Greene ENY2010 N/A Bolton Central SchoolsView Salary & Details