Michael Ensminger H has 62 Salary Records

There are 62 salary records for Michael Ensminger H with 13 different job titles from 13 employers across 4 states.

NameStateYearJob TitleEmployer
Michael Ensminger A
CO2020Jefferson CountySheriff - Commander$139,595
Michael Ensminger ACO2020 Sheriff - Commander Jefferson CountyView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger P
CA2020State of CaliforniaSenior Environmental Scientist$135,269
Michael Ensminger PCA2020 Senior Environmental Scientist State of CaliforniaView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger A
CO2019Jefferson CountyCaptain$128,378
Michael Ensminger ACO2019 Captain Jefferson CountyView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger P
CA2014State of CaliforniaSenior Environmental Scientist$105,924
Michael Ensminger PCA2014 Senior Environmental Scientist State of CaliforniaView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger C
TX2016Comptroller Of Public AccountsN/A$105,598
Michael Ensminger CTX2016 N/A Comptroller Of Public AccountsView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger C
TX2018Department Of Public SafetyN/A$101,430
Michael Ensminger CTX2018 N/A Department Of Public SafetyView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger C
TX2015Department Of Public SafetyN/A$100,670
Michael Ensminger CTX2015 N/A Department Of Public SafetyView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger P
CA2021State of CaliforniaSenior Environmental Scientist$99,224
Michael Ensminger PCA2021 Senior Environmental Scientist State of CaliforniaView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger P
CA2019State of CaliforniaSenior Environmental Scientist$98,920
Michael Ensminger PCA2019 Senior Environmental Scientist State of CaliforniaView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger C
TX2017Department Of Public SafetyN/A$98,314
Michael Ensminger CTX2017 N/A Department Of Public SafetyView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger P
CA2013State of CaliforniaSenior Environmental Scientist$94,075
Michael Ensminger PCA2013 Senior Environmental Scientist State of CaliforniaView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2023Education Admin, Department ofTeacher Special Education$93,811
Michael Ensminger HNY2023 Teacher Special Education Education Admin, Department ofView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2022Education Admin, Department ofTeacher Special Education$93,608
Michael Ensminger HNY2022 Teacher Special Education Education Admin, Department ofView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger P
CA2018State Of CaliforniaStaff Environmental Scientist$92,280
Michael Ensminger PCA2018 Staff Environmental Scientist State Of CaliforniaView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2021Education Admin, Department ofTeacher Special Education$89,464
Michael Ensminger HNY2021 Teacher Special Education Education Admin, Department ofView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger P
CA2017State Of CaliforniaStaff Environmental Scientist$87,888
Michael Ensminger PCA2017 Staff Environmental Scientist State Of CaliforniaView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2020Education Admin, Department ofTeacher Special Education$87,040
Michael Ensminger HNY2020 Teacher Special Education Education Admin, Department ofView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2020Education Admin, Department ofTeacher Special Education$87,040
Michael Ensminger HNY2020 Teacher Special Education Education Admin, Department ofView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger P
CA2016Department Of Pesticide RegulationStaff Environmental Scientist$83,700
Michael Ensminger PCA2016 Staff Environmental Scientist Department Of Pesticide RegulationView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger P
CA2015Department Of Pesticide RegulationStaff Environmental Scientist$80,304
Michael Ensminger PCA2015 Staff Environmental Scientist Department Of Pesticide RegulationView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger
TX2022Texas Department of Public SafetyCorporal$80,214
Michael EnsmingerTX2022 Corporal Texas Department of Public SafetyView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2019Education Admin, Department ofTeacher Special Education$78,299
Michael Ensminger HNY2019 Teacher Special Education Education Admin, Department ofView Salary & Details
Michael Chance Ensminger
TX2021Texas Department of Public SafetyCorporal$77,995
Michael Chance EnsmingerTX2021 Corporal Texas Department of Public SafetyView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger C
TX2023Texas Department of Public SafetyCorporal$71,501
Michael Ensminger CTX2023 Corporal Texas Department of Public SafetyView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger P
CA2012State of CaliforniaStaff Environmental Scientist$69,198
Michael Ensminger PCA2012 Staff Environmental Scientist State of CaliforniaView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2018Dept Of Ed PedagogicalTeacher Special Education$66,240
Michael Ensminger HNY2018 Teacher Special Education Dept Of Ed PedagogicalView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger A
CO2017County of JeffersonCaptain$64,310
Michael Ensminger ACO2017 Captain County of JeffersonView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger P
CA2011State of CaliforniaEnvironmental Scientist$63,257
Michael Ensminger PCA2011 Environmental Scientist State of CaliforniaView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2017Dept Of Ed PedagogicalTeacher Special Education$61,426
Michael Ensminger HNY2017 Teacher Special Education Dept Of Ed PedagogicalView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2016Bklyn Hs Of The Arts (ol S J HTeacher Special Education$60,959
Michael Ensminger HNY2016 Teacher Special Education Bklyn Hs Of The Arts (ol S J HView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2016Dept Of Ed PedagogicalTeacher Special Education$58,700
Michael Ensminger HNY2016 Teacher Special Education Dept Of Ed PedagogicalView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2015Bklyn Hs Of The Arts (ol S J HTeacher Special Education$58,260
Michael Ensminger HNY2015 Teacher Special Education Bklyn Hs Of The Arts (ol S J HView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2015Dept Of Ed PedagogicalTeacher Special Education$56,925
Michael Ensminger HNY2015 Teacher Special Education Dept Of Ed PedagogicalView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2014Education Admin, Department ofTeacher Special Education$54,111
Michael Ensminger HNY2014 Teacher Special Education Education Admin, Department ofView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger
NY2013Education Admin, Department ofTeacher Special Education$38,086
Michael Ensminger NY2013 Teacher Special Education Education Admin, Department ofView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger A
CO2017County of TellerSheriff$31,131
Michael Ensminger ACO2017 Sheriff County of TellerView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger
NY2012Education Admin, Department ofAnnual Ed Para$27,102
Michael Ensminger NY2012 Annual Ed Para Education Admin, Department ofView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger A
CO2021Jefferson CountySheriff Department - Commander$26,178
Michael Ensminger ACO2021 Sheriff Department - Commander Jefferson CountyView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger
NY2011Education Admin, Department ofAnnual Ed Para$23,408
Michael Ensminger NY2011 Annual Ed Para Education Admin, Department ofView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger P.
CA2012Solano Community CollegeGeneral Biology$15,409
Michael Ensminger P.CA2012 General Biology Solano Community CollegeView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger P.
CA2013Solano Community CollegeGeneral Biology$7,730
Michael Ensminger P.CA2013 General Biology Solano Community CollegeView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger
NY2010Education Admin, Department ofSubstitute Ed Para$6,869
Michael Ensminger NY2010 Substitute Ed Para Education Admin, Department ofView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger
NY2013Education Admin, Department ofAnnual Ed Para$5,757
Michael Ensminger NY2013 Annual Ed Para Education Admin, Department ofView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2015Dept Of Ed Per Session TeacherTeacher- Per Session$4,893
Michael Ensminger HNY2015 Teacher- Per Session Dept Of Ed Per Session TeacherView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2017Dept Of Ed Per Session TeacherTeacher- Per Session$3,772
Michael Ensminger HNY2017 Teacher- Per Session Dept Of Ed Per Session TeacherView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2018Dept Of Ed Per Session TeacherTeacher- Per Session$3,758
Michael Ensminger HNY2018 Teacher- Per Session Dept Of Ed Per Session TeacherView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2022Education Admin, Department ofTeacher- Per Session$3,518
Michael Ensminger HNY2022 Teacher- Per Session Education Admin, Department ofView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2016Dept Of Ed Per Session TeacherTeacher- Per Session$3,288
Michael Ensminger HNY2016 Teacher- Per Session Dept Of Ed Per Session TeacherView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2023Education Admin, Department ofTeacher- Per Session$2,905
Michael Ensminger HNY2023 Teacher- Per Session Education Admin, Department ofView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2019Education Admin, Department ofTeacher- Per Session$1,948
Michael Ensminger HNY2019 Teacher- Per Session Education Admin, Department ofView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger
CA2014Solano Community CollegeGeneral Biology$1,648
Michael EnsmingerCA2014 General Biology Solano Community CollegeView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger
NY2013Education Admin, Department ofTeacher- Per Session$1,578
Michael Ensminger NY2013 Teacher- Per Session Education Admin, Department ofView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2014Education Admin, Department ofTeacher- Per Session$1,508
Michael Ensminger HNY2014 Teacher- Per Session Education Admin, Department ofView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2020Education Admin, Department ofTeacher- Per Session$1,447
Michael Ensminger HNY2020 Teacher- Per Session Education Admin, Department ofView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2020Education Admin, Department ofTeacher- Per Session$1,447
Michael Ensminger HNY2020 Teacher- Per Session Education Admin, Department ofView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2019Education Admin, Department ofAnnual Ed Para$1,166
Michael Ensminger HNY2019 Annual Ed Para Education Admin, Department ofView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2021Education Admin, Department ofAnnual Ed Para$1,166
Michael Ensminger HNY2021 Annual Ed Para Education Admin, Department ofView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2020Education Admin, Department ofAnnual Ed Para$1,166
Michael Ensminger HNY2020 Annual Ed Para Education Admin, Department ofView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2020Education Admin, Department ofAnnual Ed Para$1,166
Michael Ensminger HNY2020 Annual Ed Para Education Admin, Department ofView Salary & Details
Michael Ensminger H
NY2021Education Admin, Department ofTeacher- Per Session$740
Michael Ensminger HNY2021 Teacher- Per Session Education Admin, Department ofView Salary & Details