Cafeteria Manager Salary in Nevada

The average Cafeteria Manager salary in Nevada is $38,014. The salary range for a Cafeteria Manager is usually between $24,709 and $48,163 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $58,420. The average hourly pay for a Cafeteria Manager is $18.28 per hour.

The employer paying the highest salary for a Cafeteria Manager job in Nevada is Carson City School District with an average salary as high as $39,748.

Are you looking for a specific Cafeteria Manager salary?

Nevada Cafeteria Manager Salary Lookup
Average Salary
Records Number
Employers Number
Job Pay Rank

Top Paying Employers for Cafeteria Manager Jobs

EmployerAverage Salary
Carson City School District, NV$39,748
Nye County School District, NV$33,998

Cafeteria Manager Salary in States

Select a state to view specific salary for Cafeteria Manager and other interesting information

StateAverage SalaryRecords Number
North Carolina$37,1811
New Mexico$35,1091
South Carolina$32,53753
West Virginia$27,65940

Cafeteria Manager Salary in Cities

Select a city to view specific salary for Cafeteria Manager in this city

City NameStateRecords NumberAverage Salary
Carson CityNV21$44,333

Top Paid Cafeteria Manager in Nevada

Theresa Teeter M
Carson City School District, NV
Theresa Teeter MNVCarson City School DistrictView Details
Janice Mandoki M
Carson City School District, NV
Janice Mandoki MNVCarson City School DistrictView Details
Theresa Teeter M
Carson City School District, NV
Theresa Teeter MNVCarson City School DistrictView Details
Paula Bruneau J
Carson City School District, NV
Paula Bruneau JNVCarson City School DistrictView Details
Beverly Heath G
Carson City School District, NV
Beverly Heath GNVCarson City School DistrictView Details
Sundee Dobson G
Carson City School District, NV
Sundee Dobson GNVCarson City School DistrictView Details
Theresa Teeter M
Carson City School District, NV
Theresa Teeter MNVCarson City School DistrictView Details
Theresa Teeter M
School District of Carson City, NV
Theresa Teeter MNVSchool District of Carson CityView Details
Shiree Carter J
Carson City School District, NV
Shiree Carter JNVCarson City School DistrictView Details
Beverly Heath G
School District of Carson City, NV
Beverly Heath GNVSchool District of Carson CityView Details
Beverly Heath G
Carson City School District, NV
Beverly Heath GNVCarson City School DistrictView Details
Sundee Dobson G
School District of Carson City, NV
Sundee Dobson GNVSchool District of Carson CityView Details
Sundee Dobson G
Carson City School District, NV
Sundee Dobson GNVCarson City School DistrictView Details
Paula Bruneau J
School District of Carson City, NV
Paula Bruneau JNVSchool District of Carson CityView Details
Paula Bruneau J
Carson City School District, NV
Paula Bruneau JNVCarson City School DistrictView Details
Susan Bond E
School District of Carson City, NV
Susan Bond ENVSchool District of Carson CityView Details
Susan Bond E
Carson City School District, NV
Susan Bond ENVCarson City School DistrictView Details
Marion Dove
Nye County School District, NV
Marion DoveNVNye County School DistrictView Details
Angelina Charles M
Carson City School District, NV
Angelina Charles MNVCarson City School DistrictView Details
Sundee Dobson G
Carson City School District, NV
Sundee Dobson GNVCarson City School DistrictView Details
Nevada Cafeteria Manager Salary Lookup