Civil Engineer V Salary in New Hampshire

The average Civil Engineer V salary in New Hampshire is $77,727. The salary range for a Civil Engineer V is usually between $44,787 and $89,180 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $111,333. The average hourly pay for a Civil Engineer V is $37.37 per hour.

The employer paying the highest salary for a Civil Engineer V job in New Hampshire is New Hampshire Department of Transportation with an average salary as high as $73,718.

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New Hampshire Civil Engineer V Salary Lookup
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Civil Engineer V Salary in States

Select a state to view specific salary for Civil Engineer V and other interesting information

StateAverage SalaryRecords Number
New Hampshire$67,33378

Top Paid Civil Engineer V in New Hampshire

Theodore Kitsis
New Hampshire Department of Transportation, NH
Theodore KitsisNHNew Hampshire Department of TransportationView Details
Theodore Kitsis
New Hampshire Department of Transportation, NH
Theodore KitsisNHNew Hampshire Department of TransportationView Details
James Marshall A
New Hampshire Department of Transportation, NH
James Marshall ANHNew Hampshire Department of TransportationView Details
James Marshall A
New Hampshire Department of Transportation, NH
James Marshall ANHNew Hampshire Department of TransportationView Details
James Marshall A
New Hampshire Department of Transportation, NH
James Marshall ANHNew Hampshire Department of TransportationView Details
Theodore Kitsis
New Hampshire Department of Transportation, NH
Theodore KitsisNHNew Hampshire Department of TransportationView Details
Loretta Doughty G
New Hampshire Department of Transportation, NH
Loretta Doughty GNHNew Hampshire Department of TransportationView Details
Keith Cota A
New Hampshire Department of Transportation, NH
Keith Cota ANHNew Hampshire Department of TransportationView Details
Cota Keith A
New Hampshire Department of Transportation, NH
Cota Keith ANHNew Hampshire Department of TransportationView Details
Theodore Kitsis
New Hampshire Department of Transportation, NH
Theodore KitsisNHNew Hampshire Department of TransportationView Details
Tobey Reynolds L
New Hampshire Department of Transportation, NH
Tobey Reynolds LNHNew Hampshire Department of TransportationView Details
Loretta Doughty G
New Hampshire Department of Transportation, NH
Loretta Doughty GNHNew Hampshire Department of TransportationView Details
Robert Landry L Jr
New Hampshire Department of Transportation, NH
Robert Landry L JrNHNew Hampshire Department of TransportationView Details
Landry Robert L Jr
New Hampshire Department of Transportation, NH
Landry Robert L JrNHNew Hampshire Department of TransportationView Details
Marshall James A
New Hampshire Department of Transportation, NH
Marshall James ANHNew Hampshire Department of TransportationView Details
James Marshall A
New Hampshire Department of Transportation, NH
James Marshall ANHNew Hampshire Department of TransportationView Details
Charles Dusseault R
Transportation Dept, NH
Charles Dusseault RNHTransportation DeptView Details
James Marshall A
Transportation Dept, NH
James Marshall ANHTransportation DeptView Details
Theodore Kitsis
Transportation Dept, NH
Theodore KitsisNHTransportation DeptView Details
Keith Cota A
Transportation Dept, NH
Keith Cota ANHTransportation DeptView Details
New Hampshire Civil Engineer V Salary Lookup