Psychiatric Social Worker Salary in Oregon

The average Psychiatric Social Worker salary in Oregon is $93,780. The salary range for a Psychiatric Social Worker is usually between $79,968 and $101,400 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $101,400. The average hourly pay for a Psychiatric Social Worker is $45.09 per hour.

The employer paying the highest salary for a Psychiatric Social Worker job in Oregon is Oregon Health Authority with an average salary as high as $90,973.

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Oregon Psychiatric Social Worker Salary Lookup
Average Salary
Records Number
Employers Number
Job Pay Rank

Top Paying Employers for Psychiatric Social Worker Jobs

EmployerAverage Salary
Oregon Health Authority, OR$90,973

Psychiatric Social Worker Salary in States

Select a state to view specific salary for Psychiatric Social Worker and other interesting information

StateAverage SalaryRecords Number
New Hampshire$37,76717
New Jersey$52,01415
New York$55,45659

Top Paid Psychiatric Social Worker in Oregon

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Oregon Health Authority, OR
Amity Beth Haddon MaxwellOROregon Health AuthorityView Details
Petr Lokotkov N
Oregon Health Authority, OR
Petr Lokotkov NOROregon Health AuthorityView Details
Kathleen Lewis E
Oregon Health Authority, OR
Kathleen Lewis EOROregon Health AuthorityView Details
Corrie Gordon L
Oregon Health Authority, OR
Corrie Gordon LOROregon Health AuthorityView Details
Kristy Dees D
Oregon Health Authority, OR
Kristy Dees DOROregon Health AuthorityView Details
Courtney Brennan M
Oregon Health Authority, OR
Courtney Brennan MOROregon Health AuthorityView Details
Deborah Bailey
Oregon Health Authority, OR
Deborah BaileyOROregon Health AuthorityView Details
Kimberly Wyatt K
Oregon Health Authority, OR
Kimberly Wyatt KOROregon Health AuthorityView Details
Heather Shipley R
Oregon Health Authority, OR
Heather Shipley ROROregon Health AuthorityView Details
Leslie Ann Langdon
Oregon Health Authority, OR
Leslie Ann LangdonOROregon Health AuthorityView Details
Jennifer Killikelly
Oregon Health Authority, OR
Jennifer KillikellyOROregon Health AuthorityView Details
Cecelia Carey
Oregon Health Authority, OR
Cecelia CareyOROregon Health AuthorityView Details
Chasee Triller A
Oregon Health Authority, OR
Chasee Triller AOROregon Health AuthorityView Details
Lisa Rojas D
Oregon Health Authority, OR
Lisa Rojas DOROregon Health AuthorityView Details
Chung Hayaun
Oregon Health Authority, OR
Chung HayaunOROregon Health AuthorityView Details
Stephen Dario Marick
Oregon Health Authority, OR
Stephen Dario MarickOROregon Health AuthorityView Details
Travis Smith
Oregon Health Authority, OR
Travis SmithOROregon Health AuthorityView Details
Debra Rose
Oregon Health Authority, OR
Debra RoseOROregon Health AuthorityView Details
Patricia Villarreal Dockery
Oregon Health Authority, OR
Patricia Villarreal DockeryOROregon Health AuthorityView Details
Courtney Brennan M
Oregon Health Authority, OR
Courtney Brennan MOROregon Health AuthorityView Details
Oregon Psychiatric Social Worker Salary Lookup