Psychiatric Social Worker Salary in Vermont

The average Psychiatric Social Worker salary in Vermont is $50,221. The salary range for a Psychiatric Social Worker is usually between $23,598 and $77,576 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $89,629. The average hourly pay for a Psychiatric Social Worker is $24.14 per hour.

The employer paying the highest salary for a Psychiatric Social Worker job in Vermont is Vermont Mental Health Department with an average salary as high as $50,586.

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Vermont Psychiatric Social Worker Salary Lookup
Average Salary
Records Number
Employers Number
Job Pay Rank

Top Paying Employers for Psychiatric Social Worker Jobs

EmployerAverage Salary
Vermont Mental Health Department, VT$50,586

Psychiatric Social Worker Salary in States

Select a state to view specific salary for Psychiatric Social Worker and other interesting information

StateAverage SalaryRecords Number
New Hampshire$37,76717
New Jersey$52,01415
New York$55,45659

Top Paid Psychiatric Social Worker in Vermont

Christopher Allen
Vermont Mental Health Department, VT
Christopher AllenVTVermont Mental Health DepartmentView Details
Margaret McGraw
Vermont Mental Health Department, VT
Margaret McGrawVTVermont Mental Health DepartmentView Details
Cassia Leendertse
Vermont Mental Health Department, VT
Cassia LeendertseVTVermont Mental Health DepartmentView Details
Kristine Kupcha J
Vermont Mental Health Department, VT
Kristine Kupcha JVTVermont Mental Health DepartmentView Details
Kristine Kupcha J
Vermont Mental Health Department, VT
Kristine Kupcha JVTVermont Mental Health DepartmentView Details
Nathalie Sugarman
Vermont Mental Health Department, VT
Nathalie SugarmanVTVermont Mental Health DepartmentView Details
Missy Mcgibney
Vermont Mental Health Department, VT
Missy McgibneyVTVermont Mental Health DepartmentView Details
Cassia Leendertse
Vermont Mental Health Department, VT
Cassia LeendertseVTVermont Mental Health DepartmentView Details
Nathalie Sugarman
Vermont Mental Health Department, VT
Nathalie SugarmanVTVermont Mental Health DepartmentView Details
Missy Mcgibney
Vermont Mental Health Department, VT
Missy McgibneyVTVermont Mental Health DepartmentView Details
Missy Mcgibney
Mental Health, VT
Missy McgibneyVTMental HealthView Details
Nathalie Sugarman
Mental Health, VT
Nathalie SugarmanVTMental HealthView Details
Kristine Kupcha J
Vermont Mental Health Department, VT
Kristine Kupcha JVTVermont Mental Health DepartmentView Details
Kristine Kupcha J
Vermont Mental Health Department, VT
Kristine Kupcha JVTVermont Mental Health DepartmentView Details
Margaret Dewing Thuma
Vermont Mental Health Department, VT
Margaret Dewing ThumaVTVermont Mental Health DepartmentView Details
Missy Mcgibney
Dept. Of Mental Health, VT
Missy McgibneyVTDept. Of Mental HealthView Details
Christopher Allen
Vermont Mental Health Department, VT
Christopher AllenVTVermont Mental Health DepartmentView Details
Missy McGibney
Vermont Mental Health Department, VT
Missy McGibneyVTVermont Mental Health DepartmentView Details
Alexandra Honor Nerenberg
Dept. Of Mental Health, VT
Alexandra Honor NerenbergVTDept. Of Mental HealthView Details
Nathalie Sugarman
Dept. Of Mental Health, VT
Nathalie SugarmanVTDept. Of Mental HealthView Details
Vermont Psychiatric Social Worker Salary Lookup